Common Problems In Arranged Marriage That Every New Couple Faces

By Pravin Bhakare @pbhakare992

Arrange Marriage is such a funny concept, all your life you are said and taught not to intermingle with strangers and suddenly you are force to step into life that is full of strangers. Every new couple faces problems in arranged marriage they have to be politely outspoken, they can’t cross the limits on the basis of which they are tied with each other. Whether it is arranged or love marriage inside every new couple arise thousand of thoughts all humming together to let them settle down with the new environment, new peoples and new partner. Problem in arranged marriage with new couples arises because you have to change your thoughts, change your inner state, and change your behavior and your end results. Arranged marriage doesn’t guarantee you for anything, you have to work hard till end to win all. Let’s read out why every new couple in arranged marriages have to face problems.

# Division of Life

Problems that have to be faced down in arranged marriage is it had lot of conditioning. First quarter of life revolve around you alone, while this part of life you have to vowed to live with not only the person you are tied up but with many others who are tied with your partner in the family. This division unnerved new couples many times. Many new couples didn’t like the boundaries that were drawn for them and the problem in arranged marriages arises. They didn’t accept the way life was getting divided into specific quarters and halves with no place reserved just for him or her. This is the basic problem that every new couple in arranged marriage faces.

# In- Laws Becomes A Part Of The Deal

Problem in arranged marriage arises mostly when new couples fail themselves in the ability to bear with third person related to them. When you get married specially in arranged marriage you have to take care of every member of in-laws relationship hierarchy, as their expectation rises to higher demands and you have to adjust yourself according to the new environment and limit your thoughts, steps and words according to this new relationship and when this limit breaks this becomes the problems in arranged marriages for new couples.

# Lack Of Sense Of Adjustments And Commitments

Easier said than done. In arranged marriage we weave lots of goody goody relations between each other but when it hits in reality more than we ever expected, this load of adjustments and commitments in marriages becomes the reason of all problems among new couples. Your views, sense of responsibility, adjustments and commitments need not be shaken by silly demanding nature, it should be strong enough to face the storm of relationship and a will and strong sense to keep the promises of relationship till end.

# Anxious About Finances and Responsibility

Most couples face and fear about adjusting the most preserved space with some stranger. It’s really difficult to accept the one being so close that you have to adjust keeping your priorities aside. Most man suffers during this period about financial responsibility. They have to prove his better half that he can take care of her expenses better than anyone else and also he doesn’t want her to get her demands being fulfilled by someone else or herself. The growing financial responsibility becomes the main problem among new couples in arranged marriages.

# Balanced with changed Priorities

Most of the man faces this problem as he doesn’t want their present family members to feel neglected or less in weight age as compare to his new partner in the same way his partner also demands a higher position in life. This becomes the creation of reason of problems in arranged marriages among new couples.

# Marriage Or In-Laws Grudges

Most of the problem new couples face in arranged marriage is digging the unfulfilled expectations from other side at the time of marriages. Indian marriages often start with something leftover at the time of marriage from parents side to partner’s family and this grudges often becomes the reason of problem in arranged marriages for new couples.

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