Comment on How to Make Beaded Jewelry; The Ultimate “no Rules” for Handmade Jewelry Guide by April R.

By Quirky Girl @QuirkyGirlz_com

There is essentially no rulebook for making handmade beaded jewelry so who do you turn to in order to learn some basic principles? No worries, I’m here to help you design your perfect bracelet, necklace or earrings!

Often, I am asked the question, “How do I learn how to create my own handmade jewelry?” There are many resources available; books, youtube, and blog posts like this one. Start by visiting your local craft store and see what beads speak to you. Do you want to create a necklace, bracelet or earrings? Each project will require distinct components, so you may have to do a little homework before you enter the store.

While there are no set in stone rules for jewelry making there are a few common sense ideals. The most important thing to remember is that the end product must please you. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks is the “right” way because jewelry making is an art form in the truest sense.

It is common to find repetition in beaded jewelry; it generally adds a pleasing rhythm to a design piece. If you decide to utilize a repeating pattern be sure to keep it consistent throughout so that the pattern can be easily identified. The link below utilizes a repeated pattern.′) 

With a repeating pattern you may want to select a focal bead and place it in the center of your design.  The focal bead will be used to draw special attention and provides the perfect opportunity for you to showcase special beads or create a pendant. (Now is a good time to read my post “How to use a bead board” to bring more clarity to this) Follow this link:

If you are a beginner and desire a simple pattern you can alternate small and large beads all along the length of the necklace. You can mix two or more simple patterns to make your fashion jewelry look more complex.

You can create a pattern using the same size and shape beads utilizing different color beads. Remember that the strongest color you use will automatically be the focal beads within the piece.

To follow are some great color combinations to use:

For a monochromatic color scheme;

Brown and ivory; tan and chocolate; lavender and purple; light blue and navy or electric blue; and pink and burgundy.

Monochromatic color scheme in a pendant necklace by

Catchy two color combinations to use:

Silver and gold; black and red; pink and brown; pink and black; purple and blue.

Beautiful three color combinations to use:

Copper, gold, and silver; green, navy and silver; pink, brown and silver; red, white and blue.

If combining different colors does not create the impact that you desire, you may want to consider combining different bead shapes. You can easily add texture to your handmade necklace or bracelet by mixing various shapes and sizes together. You could choose to use large specialty beads with smaller beads on each side, or group three large beads together and place smaller accent beads between them.

Remember that the texture of the beads that you use will impact the look of your design. Keep the texture of your beads in mind when selecting them  for each design piece. If your beads are all smooth and you would like to add texture, consider adding decorative bead caps.

Perhaps you think that a repeating pattern is boring and you are feeling a little more adventurous, then feel free to create a random design. Select a variety of beads that will compliment each other and pour them into a well on your bead board.  For this exercise you may choose to select a variety of sizes, shapes and types of beads as well as beads made of different materials. You can determine a mixed up pattern or just utilize a “grab bag” effect and use whatever you pick up without looking. You may be surprised at what a wonderful piece of jewelry this technique will create.

I love hearing your comments; do you have a favorite pattern that you like to use when you are creating your handmade jewelry designs? What color combinations are your favorites?

Till next time,

Quirky Girl