Coming Soon: Top 10 of 2011

By Bookaholic @BookReflections

I'm excited to give everyone a peek into a event that is coming at the end of December...
Top 10: A Week of Looking Back….   ………and Looking Forward.
Last year Jessica from Confessions of a Bookaholic and Lisa from A Life Bound By Books posted some Top 10 lists the last week of 2010. For five days they recapped some of their favorite books, covers and characters. They also listed some books they were looking forward to in 2011. This year they thought they’d do it again… just with a twist.
They have invited some friends to help them co-host things and make an event out of it! Jessica and Lisa, Jaime & Patricia from Two Chicks on Books and Rachel from Fiktshun came together to work on making this into something more people would want to join in on and contribute.  I think this sounds fun so I'm hopping on board.
Here are the Top 10 lists will be and dates (borrowed from Rachel from Fiktshun):
Monday 12/26 – Top 10 Books I’ve read in 2011
Tuesday 12/27 – Top 10 Book Covers of 2011
Wednesday 12/28 – Top 10 Book Boyfriends in 2011
 Thursday 12/29 – Top 10 Characters in 2011
(This can be anything you’d like to make it for characters. You can post your favorite Villains, etc. Just be sure that this post is character based.)
 Friday 12/30 – Top 10 Books I’m looking forward to in 2012
(Also on this day, we’ll each be adding some kind of a recap of the total number of books read, pages read, etc. This part of the post is optional. Feel free to add any stats you’d like to share with everyone. So, if you’d like to also include some end of year stats, feel free to join us!)
If you are interested in participating.  Sign up! There are even prizes involved.  I had vaguely planned to create and post Best of... posts but I like the idea of set dates and topics that everyone is doing at the same time.  Want to sign up?  Here's the sign up page on Rachel from Fiktshun's page.  Can't wait!