Coming Face to Face with Inspiration

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer

This exact time last week, I was beyond excited to be slapping on a dash of makeup, selecting a frock all ready to come face to face with a woman who has not only inspired me but also so many others with her story.

had lunch with Rachael BerminghamAnd it was awesome!

The name Rachael Bermingham might be familiar to you as (the one time) half of the uber successful 4 Ingredients cookbook duo, but her story and success is soooo much bigger than that. She is a self-taught, self-made entrepreneur who walks her talk and does it with style, humor and earthiness. She’s larger than life but at the same time, so very real and just like all of us who are combining motherhood, employment and a vision for the future.

For 2 and a half hours (and then a bit, because she likes a good chat) Rachael spoke to us and with us about the importance of goal setting and following the dreams in our hearts. In-between juggling two courses and a glass of wine, I managed to take 12 pages of notes about planning, organising and just doing life – AND let me tell you, I walked away feeling pumped and motivated!

Here are just a few of Rachael’s messages that really resonated with me, and I do hope that you can get something from them too …

  • you must have a plan of attack (for life and/or projects) otherwise it’s just thinking about things
  • make change happen before it’s forced upon you – when you are forced to change it’s never something that is nice
  • have a VISION BOARD – write your goals, say your affirmations and make positive reframes for healthy mental talk
  • don’t put your emotion into things you can’t change or manifest
  • if something doesn’t make you feel good – STOP and re-evaluate
  • wake up each morning and have intent
  • see something good in the world each day and be grateful for it
  • share what you have with others
  • have FAITH that everything will work out well
  • the energy you put into something is the energy that you will get back

Rachael Bermingham all sparkly in bling ….. and me! (just in case you couldn’t tell us apart!)

It was all that, and more. Chase your dreams, people, and make sure you catch them too!

Have you met anybody that you’ve idolised from afar? How’d it go?

It’s Friday. Flogging time with Grace over at hers. See you there!