Comic Feature Thursday: Batwing #19 and World’s Finest #11

Posted on the 04 April 2013 by Appraisingpages @appraisjngpages

Some of our most popular posts are the ones we where we feature comic books and graphic novels.  If you haven’t already guessed, we’re big nerds.  A weekly tradition in our families is that every Wednesday Justine’s husband, Nathaniel, and my husband, Chad go to their favorite local comic book shop (shout-out to Greg’s!) and get their comic book subscriptions.  With all of that reading material just waiting to be shared we thought it would be fun to let our resident experts share some reviews on Thursdays. This week Chad is sharing Batwing #19 and World’s Finest #11:

Comic books rule. They are the most perfect entertainment material out there. They are highly collectible, they can have stunning artwork, and (if you do your research) some of the writers can craft such amazing stories that they put novels to shame.

I’m a huge DC nerd. I love them. I don’t care what anyone else says or thinks (regardless of how rational their points may be) I am head over heels down with DC. Why? Mostly my love for Batman.Who doesn’t love Batman? (Heartless people who hate fun) He’s the best. Not only is he the best, but his supporting characters and villains are almost all capable of holding their own against any other “main characters” story lines.So starting this week I will be reviewing two comics a week. Since comic books are monthly I will be following the same two books each month on the corresponding week. For week one it will be: Batwing and Worlds’ Finest.Batwing #19:  I have liked Batwing since the beginning of the New 52. I really enjoy Judd Winick. I know some people are on the fence about him, but he is easily one of my favorite writers in comics. So when he decided to leave Batwing I was pretty bummed. I have felt the absence of his presence on the book since he left after the 0 issue. The new writer just didn’t seem to capture the same essence I felt Judd did. So when I found out the creative team was changing again with #19 I was stoked. Then when I found out they were changing Batwing I was devastated. I LOVE David. I loved the idea of the Batman of Africa. It was such a different change of pace from the majority of books, and I found it refreshing and exciting.After weeks of teasing that the big reveal would be worth the readers while I slowly warmed to the idea of a switch up. The new team in all of their interviews seemed super stoked on the characters and very focused on bringing him more into the “bat-family”.I can’t wait to see where this new Batwing goes and how his story will unfold.4/5 stars.Worlds’ Finest #11I love Huntress. The character is so interesting to me. My favorite version of the character is the daughter of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. I do enjoy me some Helena Bertenelli, but I adore Helena Wayne. So I was so excited when they decided to make the only Helena in the new 52 Helena Wayne(she uses Helena Bertinelli as an alias). I really enjoyed the mini-series they did with Huntress at the start of the new 52 and when I found out she was going to be getting her own monthly(with Power Girl) I was a happy fan-boy.The book has had its ups and downs for me. There have been issues I have loved and some that felt flat to me. There have been artists on the book that have been good and some that have been really generic…and dare I say made the main girls look sorta ugly?So with this latest issue I didn’t know what to expect after a pretty heavy moment after the death of Robin(Huntress’ sorta brother) in the last issue. This one did not disappoint. It was full of action. It was so nice to see Huntress doing what she does best. Pushing the boundaries of right and wrong while using her brain and brawn as equal assets to her crime fighting ways. I also love when they mention things about her mom and dad. Those little easter eggs make a Catwoman and Batman fan very happy.