COMIC CON 2014: Kristin Bauer Van Straten Talks About All the ‘Lasts’ for True Blood

Posted on the 27 July 2014 by Truebloodnetcom @truebloodnet

You know we’ve had so many ‘lasts’. My last scene with this person, then this person. And then my last day of shooting, and then we didn’t get all of it, so then I had another last day… then throughout this whole process I sort of keep it together by going; “See you at Comic Con!” And I don’t know what I’m going to say here.

To lighten the mood (and, I suspect, to keep Kristin Bauer van Straten from tearing up there and then), Ausiello moved on to talk about all the fun stuff Kristin’s character, Pam, has had to do so far in the first half of Season 7. Kristin promptly starts laughing about all the fun she had shooting the scenes involving the tea party massacre, seeing Alexander Skarsgard (who plays her maker, Eric Northman) in an authentic Texan outfit, and the fact that her infamous line (which sounds a little like ‘republican’) from Episode 5 managed to trend on Twitter! But, mostly, she thoroughly enjoyed exploring her character via those fantastic flashbacks.

But how does she cope with the fact her maker is dying?

I try to, as an actor, borrow from anything Kristin has. And I have such fondness for Alex [at this point Kristin tears up] that I just thought about how it was our last season. [pauses] You know there was enough to borrow from, like, my time [as] Pam and Eric is limited.

There is LOADS more Kristin has to say to TV Line and you can check out the full interview below:

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Source: TVLine - Kristin Bauer’s True Blood Series Finale Preview Reduces Her to Tears!

(Photo Credit: HBO Inc.)