Comic Book Shelves

By Simplyhomeschool

Aiden is totally obsessed with bugs. He will spend hours searching for creepy crawlies in plants and under the rocks in our back yard. Sometimes he brings them in the house to show me. Sometimes he drops them along the way and I find them while walking barefoot to the fridge for a midnight snack. stands to reason that Spiderman is his favorite superhero. To add a little superhero action to his room I made these Spiderman shelves for him.

I picked up a vintage Spider Man comic while flea-marketing for $1, these shelves at Michaels for under $5, and since recently learning of the wonder's of Modge Podge, I always have some stashed away. I think the   bottle cost around $4. You also need a medium sized children's paintbrush. (FYI- If you are new to the magic of Modge-Podge a bottle like this lasts forever.)

After making sure the comic book wasn't worth millions, I cut it up frame by frame.
I liked the muted color of the vintage comics, but if you want a brighter color you can use a new comic book.
           1. Paint a  layer of Modge-Podge on one side of the shelf.   2.  Place the comic book frames on the Modge-Podge, overlapping them slightly.            ***Make sure to wrap the sides over to cover the front of the shelf.   3. Place a layer of Modge Podge over the top of the comics to seal the shelves.

I found it easier to do the inside of the shelves first and then the work on the outside. I placed each frame facing the same direction, but try not to overthink their placement to much or you will go crazy.
The total project took me about an hour and a half from start to finish and Aiden thought they were super cool! 
Happy Modge-Podging!