Comedy of the Day: 12 Reasons Why the POS is One of the Best Presidents Ever

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Matthew Lynch wrote this for the “progressive” Huffington Post. He really should quit his day job to become a comedy writer instead. The words in teal italics are my rebuttals.

“12 Reasons Why Obama is One of the Best Presidents Ever” by Matthew Lynch

1. He is for The People. Say what you will about Barack Obama, but unlike the many presidents who preceded him, he cares about what is best for the greater good. He truly does represent The People. (On the eve of the 2012 presidential election at a campaign rally on November 2 in Springfield, Ohio, Obama exhorted his supporters to “vote for revenge,”)

2. He is for civil rights. He has consistently spoken on behalf of the disenfranchised, the underdog and the most controversial members of society -despite the fact that it was politically unpopular to do so at the time. (On July 6, 2010, former DOJ official J. Christian Adams testified before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that attorneys in the DOJ’s civil rights division were instructed to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims, like 2008 Election Day voter intimidation by the New Black Panthers)

3. He is for one race – the human race. In just a few short years, Obama’s professional achievements and continued demonstration of equality and integrity have done wonders for race relations. America has never been more unified as a people than it has been under the direct leadership of Barack Obama. (See my rebuttal above.)

4. He is for a healthcare system that brings hope and healing to the hurting. Obama’s healthcare plan has allowed uninsured Americans to reap the benefits of a universal healthcare system. (See “President Lucifer wrote the Obamacare regulation to cancel your insurance”) 

5. He is for the middle class. (See “Economist: Most of Obamacare costs will fall on the middle class” and “The disappearing Black American middle class“)

6. He is for women’s rights. (See “What Pres. Lucifer’s IRS did to one woman”)

7. He is for doing away with pomp and circumstance. Let’s be real – Obama is one cool cat. (See “US taxpayers spent 2,422% more on Obama than Brits on the royal family“)

8. He is for the environment. President Barack Obama has taken a forward thinking approach to creating a red, white, blue and green America. (See “Agenda 21 – Behind the Green Mask”)

9. He is for veterans. (See “Obama regime prohibits disabled veterans from owning firearms & ammunition“)

10. He is for peace. Let us never forget that Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 -one of the greatest accomplishments any man or woman could hope to achieve in a lifetime. (See “U.S. soldiers in open rebellion against Obama’s war in Syria,” “President Lucifer’s Jihad,” “CIA expands Obama-approved training of Syrian militants”)

11. He is for education. (See “Government Tentacles Reaching Into Home Schools,” “Obama’s ‘Race to the Top’ Agenda,” and “Obama’s ‘Race to the Top’ Agenda – Part 2“)

12. He is for entertaining the masses. If we have to listen to a president yakitty-yak about this or that for another four years, we might as well pick one with charisma and charm. If you can’t find anything else appealing about Obama, you can’t deny the fact that the guy is an amazing speaker with wit, fantastic comedic timing and an incredible intellect. In fact, I will go so far as to say that when the man does finally retire from politics, he has a rewarding and lucrative job as a stand up comic awaiting him if he so chooses. When’s the last time you heard a president joke about drinking beer, belt out Al Green with poise and precision at a moment’s notice and admit to watching the Kardashians? (I have no comment. This 12th reason is an indictment in and of itself.)

Seriously, what powerful dope is Matthew Lynch mainlining? The same crack that the POS and First Lady of Snot poke up their noses?

H/t Clash Daily
