Come and Open My Present with Me! — Competition

By Claire

A lovely lit­tle par­cel from Betsy But­ton… open with me!

Betsy Button stationery (24)
Betsy Button stationery (23)
Betsy Button stationery (22)
Betsy Button stationery (21) The cute lit­tle Save the Date card was first out of the box — gor­geous, quirky and dif­fer­ent. I love the but­ton theme!

Betsy’s Thank You card has lovely lace and pearl embell­ish­ments, cute print (love that font) and a lit­tle motto on the back.

How lovely! My “very, very busy day” today is all about vets appoint­ments, post­ing cal­lig­ra­phy poems (to Eton Col­lege!) and blog­ging some wed­dings. It was all put on hold for ten min­utes to open our present…
I couldn’t say no. I wanted you to see Betsy’s sta­tionery just as I did. Here are those links for you too:

Now for the tissue-wrapped parcel-within-a-parcel…

Even Betsy’s busi­ness cards are cool

The wed­ding invi­ta­tion is fan­tas­tic: nice and heavy, beau­ti­fully designed and with won­der­ful atten­tion to detail. Look at the stitch­ing! Lovely…

Presents for YOU from Betsy Button!

Much as I’d love to keep these, Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog isn’t all about me, it’s a place for all of us. There were two lit­tle gifts inside our excit­ing par­cel: a love heart decoration…

… and a but­ton bracelet. This really is gor­geous, and made with the loveli­est metal but­tons. I’d love to see one of you wear­ing it!
To win both of these, just add a com­ment in the box below to tell me what Betsy But­ton is all about. Is it:

  1. pretty button-inspired sta­tionery and gifts?
  2. small round choco­lates in a pur­ple bag?
  3. a tele­vi­sion pro­gramme about peo­ple made of spoons who live in space?

I will pick a win­ner at ran­dom on the 22nd of Novem­ber. The win­ner will be con­tacted by email (so please be sure to check your emails reg­u­larly!) and asked for a postal address. The heart and but­ton bracelet will be sent to the win­ner by first class post within 7 days of email­ing your postal address.

UK entries only please, and one entry / com­ment per per­son. Please allow a lit­tle time for your com­ment to be approved and published!