As you know every week I enter into the Weekly Photo Challenge run by The Daily Post by WordPress. Even with a sense of disloyalty, there comes a time to look around at other photo challenges. The saying “A change is as good as a rest” rings true.
There are certainly a lot of photo challenges about, but there is one blogger who I visit regularly who runs a Weekly Sunday Post.
Jake’s blog JakesPrinter is a fascinating and clever, which is not surprising as Jake is a graphic artist and photographer.
I have chosen the challenge on Jake’s blog this week because it is CLOSE UP and as a lover of macro photography I felt inspired. That in itself is a relief, because my blogging enthusiasm has dried up over the last week.
This post has also given me the opportunity to include another idea for a blog post I had a few weeks ago and until now haven’t taken it any further. So I am going to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.
At the end of July I went to the New Forest and while I was there I paid a visit to Pollies Lilies and met Polly and her husband Terry. They run a Daylily specialist nursery and I snapped away at the very many varieties of daylily, but failed to make a note of their names.
Polly and Terry have the National Collection of Daylilies and I had no idea there were so many varieties: short, tall, rounded, ruffled, doubles, spider, early, mid and late. The colours range from white to burgundy and any combination in between. I have one orange double daylily in the front garden and once a flower has died and dropped off it throws out new flowers and continues that way for months.
Daylilies are a flower that some people just won’t have in their gardens, and a bit like Marmite, you either love or hate them. I love them and will certainly have a few more in my garden for next year.
© Hurtlingtowards60 and Hurtled to 60 and Now Beyond. ©AarTeePhotography Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited