Combi Boiler with 2 Chanel Programmer Problem.

By Futli @futlim

Boiler was in Queensbury NW9. The tenent was asking me how to use the two channel programmer with this combi boiler. Well well well…..Actually who ever installed this, should have removed this old programmer and replaced it with the integral timer clock which comes with the boiler. By having the mecanical timer clock the tenent could have had unlimited number of 15 minutes programes for each day. ( in fact devide 24 hour by 15 minutes to get how many number of programes — I am not good in maths) But this old programmer has only 2 or three time settings..oooooor poor thingi……. This combination boiler dont need a hot water chanel to program it. It is a hot water priority boiler……. some installers are too lazy ….
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