Coloured Rice Sensory Play

By Mummyoftwo @RaspberryGiggle

January 14, 2014, Mummy of Two, Health, Play, , 0

I have been very slack on the messy and sensory play for Little Miss A for a couple of months now.  The cold weather has made it difficult for me to get the motivation to actually clean the tuff spot or do anything that involved too much mess!  It being a new year I wanted to make a fresh start and begin doing some more messy play with her as I know how much she enjoys it.

At the end of last week I coloured some rice with a few different food colours so that I could leave it to dry out over the weekend.  I also tried adding some different flavoured essences, however, they did not really add much of a smell to the rice.

This morning I steam cleaned and scrubbed down the tuff spot which had been languishing outside for far too long and dragged it into the kitchen ready for playtime!

Along with the rice I gave her some pouring cups and some animals to play with.

Little Miss A got straight in there without any hesitation and began playing with the rice.

She spent ages pouring the rice into the big container and tipping it out again.

She also enjoyed crunching the animals through the rice.

She played for a long time before deciding dancing in it was more fun.  This was fine until she fell on her bum and rice shot off all around the kitchen!  She wouldn’t sit down but didn’t want to get off so I turned tidying up into a game before sticking her in her highchair with a breadstick so I could finish up!

I will definitely be doing this again with Little Miss A.  It is great for lots of sensory reasons including colours, textures and sounds and isn’t all that messy to tidy up (as long as you don’t dance in it!).

It was lovely to see her rediscovering messy play again and I was really pleased she wasn’t scared to get her hands dirty after not doing any for so long.  I definitely won’t be leaving it so long this time!