Coloring is a Great Way to Spend Time With Your Child

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

Spending time with your children, especially, one on one time is important and makes them feel loved.  I have been trying to make sure that I spend time with my toddler because he is growing up way to fast.  I have a hard time getting down on the floor to play with him (due to my chronic back pain) so I have to be a bit more creative and find activities that work for me.  He loves to “draw”, which is his favorite thing to do these days.  So I scooped him up into my lap and grabbed the coloring book.  I asked his older brother to bring me the crayons in his bedroom so that we would have plenty of colors to choose from for our coloring project.

I flipped through the coloring book and tore out a page so that my son could “draw”.  He took a crayon out of the plastic bag and started to draw on the page that I picked out for him.  Then he took a crayon out and handed one to me.  He wanted me to color with him.  It has been a long time since I have colored in a coloring book.  So we ended up coloring on the same page together.  After we finished coloring the top side, we flipped it over and began coloring the other side of the page.  My son did very well and colored in my lap for a long time.  I really enjoyed spending time with him coloring.

Once we were completely finished coloring both sides of the page, I told him to take it and show his daddy.  So he knocked on our bedroom door because he knew that his daddy was in our bedroom watching television.  I opened the door to let him in to go show daddy and he took his picture over to his dad.  Daddy was impressed with the photo and asked him if he wanted to put it on the refrigerator.  He said, “Sure”, in his cute little voice.  So I took my son into the kitchen and we hung the picture on the refrigerator.

I am excited that we found something that we can do to spend time together.  I am leery to give him free reign with the crayons in the house.  As most parent’s know, toddlers are very fast and if you turn around for a moment they can be off hiding in another room or posting their artwork on the wall.

Our Finished Artwork