Colorful Infused Water

By Vsudarsan

Hello, there! It's summer time here! Mercury levels are rising, and the heat wave is quite unbearable. I hear the same from my family and friends in India. I thought a collection of colorful infused water might cool you down! To my surprise, each one is easy to prepare. The link to the recipe is below the photographs, and credit goes to the recipe owners.

I have replaced carbonated sodas and sugary juices with infused waters. I believe certain combinations of fruits and herbs help detox the body, while some others energize. I am still learning and enjoy the hint of mint leaves with fruits the best.

A simple google search on "infused water" will lead you to a ton of websites. I have carefully picked the ones that are beautifully photographed and has a combination that you might enjoy. The various ways - citrus fruits, mint leaves, cilantro, cucumbers, berries, peaches, kiwis, watermelons, and pomegranates are infused in plain water sounds delicious and refreshing. I can't imagine anything better than any of these to quench my thirst. This is what we are having this summer to keep ourselves hydrated. How about you?