Colorado Toughens Fracking Penalties

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

“New rules eliminate penalty cap.  Penalties for fracking leaks and spills, or other environmentally dangerous accidents associated with fossil fuel development will go up to as much as $15,000 per day in Colorado, under new rules adopted this week by the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.The beefed-up penalty structure also does away with a $10,000 penalty cap for each violation.”


GR:  We applaud attempts to hold the mining industry accountable for environmental impacts.  Fracking can be the worst source of environmental degradation.  In the pursuit of profits, the energy industry is unconcerned with the effects of their actions (look at the photo below).  Other governments should begin forcing responsible behavior.

(Tar Sands’ hellish landscape of ruined Earth and toxic tailing ponds. Image source Occupy.)