Colorado Has PMS

By Brisdon @shutuprun

We’ve had an odd weather day around here (Boulder):

This morning when I walked Heidi it was 64 degrees. By 3pm it was 21 degrees and snowing. Colorado has the reputation for being pre-menstrual with all kinds of weather mood swings and severe instability.

I am no psychologist, but my guess is that our motivation to run is directly correlated to the weather outside.

Self talk when it’s a beautiful day: I’m kind of tired this morning but it is too gorgeous outside to not go for a run.

Self talk when it’s shitty outside: I’m kind of tired. F&ck running.

That said, here is my best advice when you have that “f&ck running” attitude, be it due to weather, your period, laziness, darkness or gas:

  1. Toughen the hell up. You probably spend 95% of your day in pleasant temperatures (inside or out) with a steaming cup of coffee at your disposal. It is okay to be uncomfortable for a short amount of time while you run. The pay off is ridiculously worth it.
  2. Call your sponsor. You don’t have to be in A.A. to have a sponsor. Pick a friend who you make a pact with. This is the person you will call when you are about to wussy out of a run. Make sure this person is someone who can boss you around and remind your lazy ass to just get out there.
  3. Think of those that can’t run. Then do #1.
  4. Don’t give yourself a choice. You planned to run. Just because you are tired or whatever doesn’t mean that plan goes out the window. Treat it like brushing your teeth, taking a dump or going got your dentist appointment. It is simply something that is part of your day and must happen regardless of circumstances.

Tomorrow morning when it is 8 degrees as is forecasted, I will take my own advice. I will be tough. I will be grateful. I will not give myself a choice. I will also probably cuss like a sailor as the cold air hits my lungs and cramps up my muscles.  I could go to the treadmill, but I know I won’t. I belong outside (unless there is ice. I am a runner not a hockey player).

What’s the temperature RIGHT now where you are? 19 degrees.

Do you have a mantra that helps you get out the door? Yes, shut up and run. Duh.