Collector’s Call

Posted on the 14 April 2019 by Hmcurator

Collectibles are once again in the spotlight thanks to a new show on MeTV called Collector’s Call. Friday’s Scoop e-newsletter reminded me that I had not watched the first two episodes that I had recorded.

I have now watched the first two half-hour long shows, and overall, I like what I see. My biggest problem is similar to the problem I had with the Toy Hunter show, the ever-present tag with a dollar sign in the corner of the screen, making the focus of the show money. Yes collectors spend money, and yes collections are worth money, but ask any true collector what their collection is worth, and the response will be that the value cannot be expressed in dollars, it is sentimental (or as I jokingly refer to it, “sedimental”, because it piles up in layers). I know that does not make good television, and some drama must be introduced, but having the “expert appraiser” walking around assigning values to everything shown cheapened the experience for me.

I see my old buddy Brian at Cool & Collected is doing recaps of the episodes, you can read them here:

Collector’s Call — Episode 1 Recap and Review

Collector’s Call — Episode 2 Recap and Review