Collection Close Up: All American Barbie, Christie (1991)

By Ashley Brooke, Kewpie83 @KewpieDoll83

Months back, I won a lot of Pink Box Barbie’s.  This is Christie from the All American Barbie line. This series came out around 1991.  Besides Christie, this line featured Barbie, Ken, Kira and Theresa. A unique characteristic of this line is that Mattel had partnered with Reebok, a popular shoe brand. Christie, for examples, came with two pairs of colorful hi-top sneakers!

90’s pink box Barbie’s are essentially my youth. I love everything about them, like their crimped hair, large bangs and high ponytails, cool makeup and bright outfits. They remind me of the popular trends that I lived through in the 1990’s.

In Christie’s case, she has some fantastic eye colors– brown and green. I also love the big baggy jean jacket that covers the crop top/short skirt outfit underneath.

The Reeboks are neat, as well. The actual Reebok branding is fabric that slips over a white plastic shoes. You get two pairs with Christie. Christie also wears fluorescent tie-dye socks. They’re so 90’s!

See the video here:

So that’s a quick look at All American Barbie, Christie.  Do you remember when this line hit store shelves? What’s your favorite pink box Barbie? Let me know in the comment area!

January 18, 2016. Tags: barbie, mattel, review, video review. Introductions & Reviews, Uncategorized.