Collecting to Go to Uman

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
pretty much every year once we enter the Hebrew month of Elul, and more so as we approach Rosh Hashana, one is likely, especially in Israel,to come across people, often Breslaver chassidim but not just, collecting money for the trip they want, or need, to take to Uman to spend Rosh Hashana by the grave of Rebbe Nachman.
There are different halachic opinions I have heard as to whether one should or should not give them, specifically whether such donations could be considered tzedaka or not, but that is not my point here. Each person can decide for himself or herself and if necessary consult with their own rabbi.
I stumbled across this new way of collecting money for the trip to Uman, and it employs a more modern, hi-tech, method of raising the money.

This fellow wants to go to Uman, even though he is not even a Breslaver chassid, because his wife considers Rebbe Nachman her rebbe. She wants him to pray there for them to have a child, which they have not yet been blessed with.
To that end, this fellow has started a GoFundMe page to raise the necessary monies for his trip, which he details.
Personally I am not going to donate money, but one cannot help be touched by his situation as he describes it. I will offer a prayer on their behalf, as if my prayers could possibly be helpful, as he requests at the end of his letter.
I am surprised by how expensive the trip looks to be. I am surprised because so many people go, many of whom have no money for such a trip and scrounge around to raise the funds. I thought it was much cheaper than this, just based on what I have heard - such as food supplied by soup kitchens established there, shared accommodations, and the like. I am surprised that so many people who cannot afford it go regularly paying this type of money.
Donate if you will, don't donate if you won't. I find it interesting that he went this route of a gofundme page, and think his story is touching.
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