Cold War 2 - WikiLeaks Founder to Host Kremlin-funded TV Show

Posted on the 31 January 2012 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
Interesting news report here from Reuters India,

WikiLeaks founder to host Kremlin-funded TV show
By Nastassia Astrasheuskaya
MOSCOW | Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:11pm IST
Jan 26 (Reuters India) - Kremlin-funded English language channel Russia Today has given WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange his own TV talk show, the station said this week.
Filming for Assange's television debut is already underway from Britain, where he remains under house arrest outside London while appealing an extradition order to Sweden, it said.
Russia Today - considered a Kremlin exercise in image enhancement by critics - said Assange will invite 10 "key political players, thinkers and revolutionaries" for interviews on a show dubbed "The World Tomorrow", due to air in mid-March.
"Everything we do on the air is different from the English-language mainstream, that is something we have in common with Assange," RT's editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan told Reuters.

The thing that sticks out here is the Cold War reference to KREMLIN-funded, like Assange was (and always will be) an Anna Chapman-like insurgency agent to crumble the American Way of Life - a way of life that's been INSTITUTIONALISED (nee bastardised, amorally remarketed) so that all you enthusiastic Players of the Capitalist Game are NEVER TOLD the terrible truth that WEALTH means 'in most parts of the world, most people are waking up cold and hungry'.
In case you haven't read it already, I'm now gonna direct the reader to an earlier post about the Battle against Marxism via Corporate Conglomerate Fascism.
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