
Posted on the 14 September 2021 by Latoya @latoyallawrence

I love fresh fruit. I used to juice my own decades ago.

When I buy juice, I buy only pure juice without any added sugars.

Over the weekend I tried a cold-pressed orange juice by “love grace” brand. It was good but sort of tasted similar to regular concentrated orange juice on the market.

I was expecting the juice to taste like the actual juice would from biting into an orange. Since it did not, I was kind of skeptical as to how pure the juice actually was.

I should have known better anyway.

Any fruit within its natural state is not always as darkly colored as most highly processed beverages. They are normally transparent.

One thing is for sure the cold-pressed Lakewood brand Pomegranate juice is the “real thing”. I have been periodically buying and drinking this juice for a while now (over a year). And I say periodically because the juice is quite expensive due to the high quality. It tastes exactly like fresh juice yielded from a Pomegranate.

I love Pomegranate fruit, however, slicing one can be quite messy and sucking on the seeds quite annoying. I find this fruit more enjoyable drinking it straight.

Not only is Pomegranate delicious it is extremely nutritious and beneficial to the arteries. Pomegranate has many other health properties as well.

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