Coffee Or Tea & Side-order of Life Please 16/9/11

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101
The age old question:  What do you drink TEA or COFFEE?
The answer is easy for me, both,
I am an avid coffee drinker and i also drink tea. I can see why this is as i come from a family background where my dads side of the family drink coffee and my mums side of the family drink tea,
This got me thinking, our life is shaped by the background of our parents, we get habits from our family and friends, we get manners and important life lessons from our parents, and many things are learnt in early life that shape what we are in life and who we grow in to in later life...
Life is one big lesson and we learn alot of lessons from the people around us, we all have influences in our lives and these are the small things that make us who we are, so we can pass on our skills and our influence on other people...
Thank you for reading...