Coffee and Cigarettes

Posted on the 26 October 2014 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth

I had my upper wisdom teeth removed on Friday under 'sedation' which is, AFAICS, no different to a general anaesthetic. I can vaguely remember them turning off the drip, hoisting me out of The Chair and putting me onto bed in the recovery room, but it's all very confused.
You do appear to come round quicker though. I climbed into The Chair at about 9.55 and the first thing I did when I came round was to check the time, it was 10.15.
Problem with all this is, they hand you leaflets telling you not to smoke for at least one day (but preferably two days, but preferably five days) after the operation. They don't say that drinking coffee or booze is discouraged for that long but IMHO drinking coffee or booze without smoking at the same time is just not the same.
Which is all well and good, but I do not function properly without at least six cups of coffee and twenty cigarettes a day. I just remain in a sort of drowsy state all day with no particular urge to do anything or say anything.
Hence and I why I haven't posted anything since Thursday.