Coco-Zen Chocolate Covered Coconut Lip Balm

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
It's been a while since I reviewed a lip balm, shame on me! I've been using lots of lovely balms lately so it's high time I started talking about them, especially considering they were the start of my love affair with make-up. 

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I've had my Coco-Zen lip balm for a while now, I bought it from Addicted 2 Lip Balm. I'm not sure where to buy it now that A2LB has closed down as  Coco-Zen don't ship to Australia, which is a real shame. Some of the products on their website sound amazing so it's probably a good thing they don't ship here.
Coco-Zen says: A moment on the lips, forever on the hips? Not with our Chocolate Lip Balms!
Give into to your chocolate craving without the guilt. Our chocolate lip balms are flavored with real organic and Fair Trade chocolate and sweetened with a touch of Stevia. While your nose and taste buds dance in chocolate ecstasy, your lips will bathe in moisturizing organic coconut creme and extra virgin olive oil. Scrub your lips with our chocolate edible lip scrub daily and then apply the lip balm for chocolatey, kissable lips.
If you are a chocolate lover you need to get your hands on one of these balms, they are heavenly. I bought the Chocolate Covered Coconut flavor which smells and tastes just like a Bounty. Yum! Aside from the beautiful flavor this is a very hydrating balm that leaves a light sheen on my lips. I can't really comment on how long this lasts as I lick most of it off as soon as I put it on because it tastes so good. 
Coco-Zen lip balms cost $4.50 (USD) for a 0.25oz slide tin. 
Ingredients: extra virgin olive oil, extra virgin coconut creme, beeswax, fair trade certified chocolate, vitamin e, castor oil, cocoa absolute, coconut flavor oil, stevia.