These charts are from a new CNN / SSRS Poll -- done between October 4th and 7th of a national sample of 1,009 likely voters, with a 3.8 point margin of error. It shows the Democrats are extending their lead for the coming congressional election. This poll now has the Democrats with a 13 point gap over the Republicans.
And the gap has widened because women continue to abandon the Republican Party. While men prefer Republicans by a 5 point margin, women prefer Democrats by a whopping 30 point margin. Making matters even worse for Republicans is the fact that women traditionally vote in larger numbers than men do.
Both Trump and McConnell say the Kavanaugh nomination has energized their voters, and that will save them in November. But that is not what this poll is showing. It has 62% of Democrats saying they are extremely or very enthused about voting, while only 53% of Republicans say the same. About 23% of Democrats say they are somewhat enthused compared to 26% of Republicans.
The truth is that the Kavanaugh nomination has not helped the Republicans. Only 41% of the public wanted Kavanaugh confirmed, while 51% did not -- a 10 point gap against confirmation. And more people believed Kavanaugh's women accusers than believed him (52% to 38%) -- by 14 points.