CNA Green Plan Winner

By Chaayen

And so we won...with our post on the Green Economy featuring the Raeusables Sponge from Cheeky Feys. Like I say, I have been really into the sustainable living and have been researching and looking into brands/ businesses that embrace a green approach. In terms of my lifestyle, I am also trying to be a little more environmentally conscious (not always successful though).Just to set things clear here, I am no tree hugger. But I believe in adopting actions which is within my DNA and not for the sake of just being Green, I won't cut up a perfectly functional t-shirt to be a tote bag. (Ridiculous, I have no idea why the Green Advocates preach that.) I still shop (just less) and I enjoy recycling/ swapping/ blessing/ selling etc. Winning this challenge is especially meaningful, it also makes me feel like I am using the clout to good use :)Hope you guys don't mind, but you will be seeing a lot more post on topics I am passionate about.