CM’s Updates Kill Cosmos Z Into Deep Sleep

Posted on the 23 January 2014 by Juntar @juntar

As i told you in my favorable post for Cherry Mobile’s Cosmos Z there were series of firmware updates that CM had offered in the past days over-the-air. But all of those updates are not intended to enhance the performance of the Cosmos Z but rather to its contrary–it makes the Z buggy.

Aside from giving us more apps along with the firmware, that can’t be removed but can be disabled, the updates resulted in hang ups.Few days after downloading the updates, for the first time i encountered hang ups in my Cosmos Z. And it’s not only once but many times. Worst, the bugs put my unit in deep sleep–meaning you can’t wake up the unit nor it can reboot. You need to remove the battery from the unit to reset the memory and restart it again.

The firmware updates, as i said in my previous post, have improved the user interface experience because of its fancy notification displays using a “Start” launcher. But the updates brought with it some apps that may or may not of your interest, like: Kakao Talk, Opera Mini, and NQ Mobile Security.

Who needs Kakao Talk when i have enough of Facebook Chats, Google Hangouts, WeChat and Yahoo Messenger.

The Android system has its original browser that is almost efficient with the Google Chrome that i also downloaded and preferred browser on the Cosmos Z. So, i don’t need an extra browser in Opera Mini.

The NQ Mobile Security is a dud. You can’t remove what is described by the mobile anti-virus software as possibly a “virus”, unless you pay. Whew!

CM should fix the bug otherwise the fanciful “Start” launcher would eventually rejected and dismissed by its users.