Clyde Cooper (2018)

By Newguy

Director: Peter Daskaloff

Writer: Peter Daskaloff (Screenplay)

Starring: Jordi Vilasuso, Abigail Titmuss, Richard Neil, Aria Sirvaitis, Isabella Racco, Joanna Fyllidou, Alexander Aguila

Plot: A private investigator is hired to track down a missing girl on the run from a mysterious Silicon Valley corporation.

Runtime: 1 Hour 21 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Verdict: Fun, Easy to Watching Mystery

Story: Clyde Cooper starts as we meet private detective Clyde Cooper (Vilasuso) who gets hired by Vincent Donovan (Neil) to locate a girl he spent a couple of nights with and gave money too. The investigation leads Clyde down the path to meet to one of the girls which only sees him facing more obstacles.

Clyde finds himself dealing with Loretta Berman (Titmuss) who has her own agenda with the girls, but is will to work with Clyde to keep everything under wraps, can Clyde crack the case before it is too late.

Thoughts on Clyde Cooper

Characters – Clyde Cooper is a private investigator that has been searching for the missing woman, with his trusted vape in hand, he uses his knowledge from his time on the police force to get inside hooker ring that one of the girls is part off. He attracts the attention of many different people and is always able to talk his way out of the trouble he can find himself in. Loretta Berman is the lady running the hooker business in the town, she knows she can trust Clyde, it is the others being pulled into the trouble that she is afraid of. Vincent is the businessman who has lost the woman he has fallen for, he hires Clyde in hope of learning some answers. Nina is the girl that has gone missing, part of a bigger picture she the mystery about everything in this film.

PerformancesJordi Vilasuso in the leading role is strong, he shows the confidence required for his character even if the flair you feel could be around more doesn’t shine through. Abigail Titmuss in the supporting role is solid enough though she does add mystery to herself. The supporting cast in general is solid throughout with the hookers needing to sexy and the truth about them needing them to have a blank expression at times.

StoryThe story here is a missing person case with private investigator starting an investigating into just where she has gone, with the mystery going down a path Clyde couldn’t even have imagined. Much like many detective shows or stories we are led down certain paths only to be sent down another one with a new clue, this does keep us guessing which is nice to guess along with. This isn’t going to be the most challenge of stories and does end up feeling like a pilot to a potential television series.

MysteryMystery is one of the most interesting genres, it gives the audience a chance guess along with the story which his film gives us a chance to.

SettingsThe film is set in Santa Clara which has been used before and shows us how many stories could be happening in this city.

Scene of the Movie –
The piano stairs.

That Moment That Annoyed Me I would have liked a little bit more flair from Clyde’s character.

Final ThoughtsThis is a fun mystery film, it might feel like a pilot episode of a television show which might turn people off, but you can have fun with it and guess along with it too.

Overall: Mystery film fans enjoy.

