Clothes Show Live 2014

By Clo Hutch @lashesoflife

Yesterday I spent the day at the Clothes Show Live at The NEC in Birmingham for my sisters birthday. I’d bought the tickets as a gift, but was super excited as this was also my first experience of the Clothes Show. I know, how have I never been?

With my parents home, or as I call it “home, home”, being only a 45minute drive from the National Exhibition Centre my sister kindly offered to drive. It still worked out as cheaper than the train, even with the £10 car parking. We arrived just before 11 and waited for the shuttle bus from the carpark which didn’t take long – we weren’t left to get too cold. We left our coats in the car as it’s always nice and warm inside – my sister let me in on this insider information.

Upon entering our printed tickets were scanned and we ventured into the exhibition space to start at the cheap and chic end of the stalls – also the same end as the entrance to the catwalk fashion show.

The first stalls sold many of the clothes I’ve seen before in Camden Market, but some really cool additions too. There were a few things I really liked but I managed to stay very well behaved.

We continued to wander until 2, stopping briefly for lunch which we did take with us to save a little money – more for spending on purchases! The stalls spanned the exhibition hall, selling everything from clothes to make-up, teeth- whitening products to tanning products and accessories to home gifts. So many stalls and temptations.

Many of the stalls sold goody bags with a number of items for a set price, giving you a large discount. The Models Own goody bag looked awesome with 3 nail varnishes of your choice and a number of other items, and the Rimmel stand gave you an option of 3 different selections. We were super tempted!

We popped into the Diet Coke Studio towards the beginning. The brand ambassadors were encouraging everyone to grab a diet coke bottle and get creative with the bits and bobs on the tables – stickers, tags and ribbons. There was then a corner to photograph your bottle before having it wrapped and put into a diet coke tote bag for taking away. Here’s my little creation…

If you tweet or Instagram your creation with the hashtag #dietcokestudio you get the chance to win £1000 worth of ASOS vouchers! So we obviously did this…can’t throw away a chance to win that shopping spree!

There were also people from the diet coke team handing out little cans around the exhibition center. We did get one of these to rehydrate – shopping is thirsty work!

We also visited the Capital Fm photo area. They were offering free photos to all – you got four shots, one larger and three little in one print out. They were lovely and friendly and told you just to have fun. This is ours…

I love the bottom middle and bottom right photos! Lovely little souvenir!

We made a few purchases during our shop. I bought the mascara I used to love for about half price, a few gifts and some Binky London nail varnish, whilst my sister bought a Fake Bake set (saving £50!) and some Binky London nail varnish too – the glittery ones look amazing! We also did stop to get a copy of Cosmopolitan which was selling for £2 and came with a goody bag too. It’s all about the goody bags at the Clothes Show!

At 2.30ish we then started heading back towards the fashion show to queue. One of the lights in the theater had blown so they were running slightly behind, but before long we were all in and seated for the show.

Neon Jungle came onto perform before the models started doing their thing – a little insight for you, there were plenty of topless men!
It wasn’t at all what I expected or imagined. The whole catwalk experience was a lot more fun, with dance routines and story lines, different sets, and the models working the crowd. Much of the dancing was contemporary and I thought it was fab!

The only part which I thought wasn’t as good was one costume change where half the models looked like just skin and bones rather than toned – not good. But other than that, the whole catwalk was fantastic!

After this we decided to get going before rush hour. We jumped in the shuttlebus back to the car – we didn’t lose the car! I think this is an achievement at the NEC. Yes I have done this before, whoops! – and headed home.

Overall the day was amazing. I throughly enjoyed myself and made some fab purchases! I definitely want to go again next year and will be sure to save extra money for the days shopping and goody bag haul!

Chloe xx