Cloth Diapers Vs Disposable Diapers | Why Cloth Diapers Are the Best for My Baby and Wallet?

By I Prefer Organic @ipreferorganic

If you are like me you most probably use disposable diapers for your baby or toddler. They are convenient, save time and you never deal with washing.  Then why on earth should I use something my grandma has used for her kids? Well, there are so many good reasons to use cloth diapers that you may even like to have another baby only because to make things right and better from day one…;) Here are my 2 cents to make you change your mind and choose the best for your baby and wallet.

Cloth Diapers are Cheaper than Disposables

I can almost hear you laughing. How can a few dollars be cheaper than a few cents? In this case, yes! If you don’t get addicted to all the vibrant colors and prints of the cloth diapers, this will turn into a good investment and pay you off within a few months. If you still have doubts, do the math with this diapers cost calculator. Here are some very detailed cost comparison tables too. Be patient, look at the facts and be smart next time you buy diapers.

Let’s make cloth diapers even cheaper:

- if you are DIY fan, here is a great resource on how to sew your baby cloth diapers by yourself. This will lower the cost significantly;

- you may use the same cloth diapers for the next kids you have and at the end to sell them.

Cloth Diapers are Safer than Disposables

I have a friend who was wondering for 2 months what was the matter with her baby’s red bumpy rash. She tried everything on earth without success till she switched to cloth diapers and all was over. So, if you still consider the washing diapers inconvenient, don’t neglect the toxins in the disposables.

- dioxin:  a carcinogenic chemical that is a byproduct of chlorine used in the bleaching process;

- sodium polyacrylate – an absorbent polymer that turns into gel when wet. It was used in super – absorbent tampons till 1980 when it was revealed it increase the risk of toxic shock syndrome;

- tributyl-tin (TBT) – a toxin that can cause hormonal problems in humans and animals;

- a variety of dying agents are some of the chemicals that your baby or toddler is exposed 24h a day. Isn’t only this a very good reason to quit disposables?!

Cloth Diapers are Eco-Friendlier than Disposables

Finally, let’s look away from our cozy homes and find out why we’d better use cloth diapers. About 20 milliard of used disposable diapers reach the landfills every year. It is not known exactly how much time is needed for a diaper to decompose, but it is not less than 250 years. Can you imagine? A disposable diaper you have used will outlive you, your kid, your grandchildren and your great grandchildren…