Closing Comments

By Answersfromthebook

I began this Bible study blog for the purpose of glorifying God by expounding on the Scriptures and sharing what I have learned from my own study of the Word. My focus was never intended to be on apologetics or defense against higher criticism. I recognize that there are a great many competing belief systems and theological approaches besides the conservative evangelicalism that we espouse here, but I am really not interested in getting involved in debates and arguments over Biblical interpretation.

Back when I began writing, I received very few comments and feedback and attempted to address each and every one. But, as time has gone by, this website has begun to receive more and more visitors and, with that, more and more comments to respond to. I am finding more and more of my writing time is being invested in answering criticisms, responding to attacks, and addressing the strange heresies being propagated by members of the cults and false religions. I believe that the Lord would rather that I make better use of my time by focusing primarily on each week’s new post.

I have very much enjoyed the encouraging feedback and kind words from the many friends I have made since beginning this ministry and I pray that everyone understands my reasons for why I am doing this. I still welcome any questions, comments, stories, or insights that anyone wishes to share with me via e-mail ( I may not respond to all the messages received, but be sure that I will read them and that I will continue to be blessed by any encouragement shared

Thanks to everyone who visits and prays for this website. May God richly bless you all.
