Keep Your Friends Close–
and Your Enemies Closer.
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Ooo–“awful legacy“–sounds juicy.
According to The Washington Examiner,
“In a speech Monday to support Hillary Clinton’s campaign, former President Bill Clinton asked Democratic voters to shrug off the “awful legacy” of President Obama’s years in office.
“According to Bill Clinton,’Now if you don’t believe we can all grow together again, if you don’t believe we’re ever going to grow again, if you believe it’s more important to re-litigate the past, there may be many reasons that you don’t want to support her.’“
I can just about hear Hillary shouting at Bill “Thanks, you stupid S.O.B., for admitting there may be many reasons not to vote for me!”
Oblivious to the political implications of his speech, Bill continued to dig the hole deeper:
“But if you believe we can all rise together, if you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us and the seven years before that where we were practicing trickle-down economics with no regulation in Washington, which is what caused the crash, then you should vote for her,” he added.
Lessee. According to Bill Clinton, you should vote for Hillary IF you believe that:
1) “We can all rise together” (which, incidentally, means we can also all fall together). Nope, I don’t believe that we can all rise or all fall together. Neither do you, reader. If you didn’t believe that some of us will rise while others fall, you wouldn’t be studying law, economics and the Bible to ensure that you rise while others fall.. Bill Clinton’s “We can all rise together” statement is a bunch of political crapola. If we must believe the fantasy that we can “all rise together” before we can vote for Hillary, then the vast majority of Americans can’t vote for Hillary.
2) “We have finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us.” Nope, I don’t believe that either.
Like it or not Barack is still in office and will remain there for the next 9 months. I have no doubt that, over the next 9 months, Obama will find ways to increase and enlarge his “awful legacy”–so we can’t yet put that legacy behind us.
More, logically, Obama’s “awful legacy” can’t be put “behind us” until, at least, Obama finally leaves office next January—2 months after the election and 9 months from now.
Finally, the “awful legacy” that Obama has left to America by doubling the National Debt, allowing more illegal aliens and Muslim refugees to enter, by trying to overthrow the Syrian government, by causing Libya to be invaded and destroyed, by allowing Benghazi to be captured and leaving four Americans to die, by passing Obamacare, by supporting the Trans-Pacific Partnership, etc. etc. will not be “put behind us” for years, if not decades, into the future. Therefore, if—as a precondition for voting for Hillary—we must first believe that “we’ve finally come to the point where we can put Obama’s ‘awful legacy’ behind us,” we shouldn’t vote for Hillary for, at least, several more years.
Bill Clinton’s remarks were stupid. He’s losing it.
Whatever Bill’s lost, I’ll bet he “catches Hell” the next time he sees Hillary.
“The remarks against the current Democratic commander in chief were the strongest Clinton has issued to date.”
I see three implications in Bill Clinton’s reference to Obama’s “awful legacy”:
1) Hillary Clinton’s campaign is doing so badly that she must distance herself from, and place blame upon, Barack Obama’s “awful legacy”. Whatever happened that was bad during the past 7 years can and must be blamed on the evil Obama. None of what happened could be the fault of Saint Hillary—even though she served as Secretary of State in the Obama administration.
2) Politicians of the same party may despise each other, but they are still expected to shake hands, pretend they admire each other and march in lockstep to encourage voters’ support. The fact that Democrat Hillary is trying to distance herself from Democrat Obama is evidence that there are great divisions within the Democrat Party. Those divisions don’t bode well for Hillary’s (or any other Democrat candidate’s) chances to be elected next November.
3) There’s no love lost between the Clintons and Obama. There’ve been rumors of their antagonism for a year or two. Bill Clinton can’t describe Obama’s legacy as “awful” without a “state of war” existing between the Clintons and Obama.
That state of war is important because Hillary is facing possible indictment by the Obama administration for her email follies. Whether or not she will be indicted depends to great extent on Barack Obama’s good will. Insofar as Hillary’s indictment is still a live issue, now is not the time to antagonize Obama by describing his legacy as “awful”.
Instead, now is the time for the Clintons to play nice and be Obama’s BFF.
Bill Clinton’s contemptuous remarks against Barack Obama strongly imply that the Clintons know that Barack has already decided to approve Hillary’s indictment. If so, the Clintons have no reason to continue the charade that they admire Obama. Instead, IF Obama is determined to authorize Hillary’s indictment, it would make sense for Bill and Hillary to disparage Obama’s competence as a way of helping to diminish the political impact of Hillary’s coming indictment.