Climate: Planning for the Polar Meltdown

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

“Can the world find a realistic way to deal with changing conditions at the ends of the Earth?

“FRISCO — Climate scientists and policy makers from around the world last month agreed on an international action plan to help minimize the risks — and identify opportunities — associated with rapid changes in the Arctic and Antarctic environments.

“The agreement came at a mid-July conference, when stakeholders from around the world finalized plans for the Polar Prediction Project, which aims to accelerate and consolidate research, observing, modelling, verification and educational activities.

“With the Arctic warming about twice as fast as the rest of the world, there is growing interest in the polar regions, where changes will affect the rest of the world.

“Advances in Polar prediction will lead to improvements in weather forecasts, climate predictions and, ultimately, better services for those who live and work in these higher latitudes as well as those living in the lower-latitude regions,” World Meteorological Organization President David Grimes said in a press release announcing the agreement.”

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GR:  Resources spent preparing to take advantage of the warming poles would be better spent putting an end to fossil fuel burning.  In fact, the talk of new growth and development opportunities as polar ice melts reeks of insanity.