Climate Justice Activists Occupy Two Tar Sands Mining Sites in Utah

Posted on the 29 July 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

by Earth First! News

In a direct action following the Canyon Country Action Camp, hundreds of activists have swarmed two mining sites in Utah tar sands. Activists are currently locked down to machines, stopping work.

Canyon Country Rising Tide have joined with the Lakota, Dine, and Idle No More in condemning the tar sands in Utah as a defiling of the precious Green River ecosystem, and an assault on fresh air and clean water in the US. The tar sands and oil shale mining proposed in Utah and neighboring states would traverse more than one thousand square miles.

The first blockade went up two hours ago, and is still holding. Contracted Cardwell, Inc. contractors attempted to hit peaceful protestors with their trucks, but the activists were able to lock down, and unfurl a banner that reads, “If you build it they will come.”

Private security personnel and three police cars have shown up on the scene, but no arrests have been made yet.

The second blockade went up approximately one hour later, and is still holding.

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