Cliff Dwelling Landscape

By Kathybarbro @KathyBarbro
I found this landscape to be especially successful with boys, who generally love the idea of drawing their own fortresses with ladders, windows, etc.
1. Students use a chalk pastel to draw a continuous line with perpendicular angles up and down to create the first layer of buildings. This line should generally be near the bottom section of the paper. The students are to fill in this layer in with color, and blend the color into the paper with their fingers. Larger paper, such as 12" x 18" is best to keep the drawing large.
2. Next they draw another building line from left to right, a little higher up, taking care to make it different from the first. They fill in with color and blend again. A third layer may be added if room allows.
3. The sky is filled in with pastel, and blended.
4. A black pastel is used to draw and color random rectangles to represent windows. Ledges may be added, along with ladders that connect the two.