Clean Drinking Water For Everyone // DayOne Response

By Gentrilee
This post is sponsored by DayOne Response & Scrunch - All opinions are my own #DayOneResponse #WaterBag

Check out the DayOne-Commercial HERE

If you have been following me for a while you'll already know that I have a deep love for nature. I am always out hiking, camping, swinging in my hammock, etc. There's just something about being outside that helps me reset and find renewed creativity. So I always love finding gear that can go with me and that not only helps me leave less of a footprint, but also is creative in an of itself. The DayOne Waterbag™ is just that! It's the perfect bag for all of your camping adventures, but also the perfect tool to keep on hand for your personal preparedness!

The DayOne Waterbag™ is a 2.5 gallon water purification unit with an integrated filter; it's got all four of the functions needed to treat and safely store drinking water. It's even got backpack straps, making it easy to carry with you on all of your adventures! The treatment solution used by DayOne is the P&G™ Purifier Water Packet. It's compact design makes it perfect for immediate distribution after a disaster to treat contaminated freshwater sources, which helps protect survivors from water-transmitted diseases.
My favorite part about this bag is that it can be distributed to people in parts of the world where they don't have access to clean drinking water. It provides them with the tool they need to get drinking water, wherever they are!

Be sure to check out DayOne Response on Social media and learn more about what they are up to! This is the kind of product that will and is changing many lives!