Clay Shirky, Tom Hanks, and Doppleganger Fun

By Fcarletti

If you’ve ever made a joke about how much Clay Shirky looks like Tom Hanks, you’re not alone. It seems even he knows this much is true.

When I’m arranging to meet somewhere I can say: “I look like Tom Hanks with big ears and no hair.” -Clay Shirky, 2009.

Still, the uncanny resemblance between the actor and the journalism professor isn’t that easy to google. When I looked for a side-by-side in image search, I came up short.

So, bowing to the pressure of “pics or it didn’t happen” logic, I thought the Fab Files could do this simple service for the Internet. Voila:

Clay Shirky, Tom Hanks, and doppleganger fun

“Tay Hanky” may not be as popular as Helen Hunt/Jodie Foster, or Katy Perry/Zooey Deschanel but if celebrities ever seek out their geeky academic dopplegangers, I can say my blog was part of the movement.

Also, while we’re on the topic of look-alikes, here is Clay as canine:

Clay Shirky, Tom Hanks, and doppleganger fun

Clay Shirky's doggleganger

That’s right — the Internet can do anything … even match you up with a dog from New Zealand. The doggleganger app was developed by the Pedigree Adoption Drive and NEC, and its purpose is to creatively connect dogs that need homes to humans that have them.

So, how ’bout it Clay? Could you swing by Auckland for a new best friend?
Just make sure you get there before Tom Hanks does.

While you ponder that, I leave you with a topical clip: