City in Georgia to Require Gun-ownership for All Homeowners

Posted on the 07 March 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

The POS in the White House, Sen. Diane Feinstein, NY governor Andrew Cuomo, NY mayor nanny Bloomberg, CNN’s Piers Morgan and every gun-control Leftie will have their panties all twisted into a wad over this.

Bucking against a nationwide trend of anti-gun federal and state legislations, the city of Nelson in Georgia may have a new law that will require every homeowner in Nelson to own a gun.

Nelson is a small city of 1.448 square miles and 1314 in population, within the larger Atlanta metropolitan area.

John Bachman reports for Atlanta, Georgia’s WSBTV Channel 2, March 5, 2013, that Nelson’s city leaders say the reason they need the law is because the city straddles Cherokee county to the south and Pickens County to the north. That can lead to slower response times.

One police officer patrols Nelson, Georgia for eight hours during the day. That leaves 16 hours overnight when the city is basically unguarded.

“When he’s not here we rely on county sheriffs–however it takes a while for them to get here,” said Nelson City Councilman Duane Cronic. That’s why Cronic proposed the ordinance so that “Every head of household will own and maintain a firearm. It’s a deterrent ordinance. It tells the potential intruder you better think twice.”"

Bill McNiff lives in Nelson, carries a pistol and supports the law: “I think every city should do it. I think it should go countywide too.”

The Nelson ordinance is modeled closely after the 1982 law passed in Kennesaw which requires gun ownership, but allows several outs, like if you’re not physically or mentally able to handle a gun, or if you’re a felon or have religious objections.

But Nelson resident Lamar Kellett said although he isn’t opposed to having guns, he has a problem with the government telling him he has to do it: “This is big government at its worst. Government mandating what a free individual can and will have in his home. They just want publicity to say Nelson is a town full of weapons.”

The new law probably will be proposed at the next city council meeting on April 1.

H/t FOTM’s joworth
