Citrine: What They Didn’t Tell You About the Real Stone

Posted on the 15 September 2019 by Raulfj

Citrine is a crystal that thanks to its color, transparency and energy manages to transmit freshness and prosperity.Its presence is so beautiful and peculiar that sometimes it even seems that we can breathe its aroma. The name citrino comes from the word " citrón" which means lemon in French. A stone worthy of high jewelry and royalty, however, its popularity was not only for its beautiful aesthetics but transcended a little beyond the physical to orient itself to a more spiritual level. We will invite you to discover the magic hidden behind the stone of royalty.

It was a mainly decorative stone, although by all the curative faculties that were discovered with the passing of the years, it quickly gained popularity in the new age era.

Its climate of prosperity comes from its cool pale yellow color that can sometimes lead to an orange tone. The color of citrine is due to the iron it contains, which acts as a chromophore; to explain this term briefly, we will say that it is the part of a set of atoms of a molecule that is in charge of its color. Chemically speaking, citrine is composed of SiO2, with transparent crystallization and density of 2.65; and its colors, ranging from light yellow to dark, brown, gold.

As for energetic forces in relation to the citrine, the most frequent of these stories is the one that tells that the citrine stone contains all the energy of the sun.The faithful believers who carried out their adorations used this stone in rituals to be able to fill up with all this contained energy.

Citrine deposits

Authentic citrine stone is difficult to find, and originates from pegmatite rocks and hydrothermal deposits. Natural citrine crystals can be found in Sao João da Chapada, Diamantina, Minas Gerais, and some other locations in Brazil. In Spain there was a very important site in Villasbuenas, in Salamanca, exploited from the end of the eighteenth century to the middle of the twentieth century.

What is citrine?

To possess a citrine stone is to take in the hands a piece of history, to decorate the home with this stone is a remembrance to decorate the environment as the Romans did in antiquity.

The citrine stone is attributed to the lion-headed goddess the "Flaming Lady" Sekhmet.

The creator mother's stone

The goddess Dana is one of the most important characters of the Celtic culture. She is the goddess of the sun, from which she derives: light, heat, energy and life. On the night of 21 to 22 June begins the summer Solstice, one of the most important festivals of the Celtic calendar. The legend tells us that the Druids centered the ceremonies and rites of these days around her: Dana, because for them she is the queen of the essential, the light. She was the universal mother, symbolizing rivers, water, wells, wind and prosperity, mainly because of this, the citrine is considered socially as the greatest representation of Dana, and is used to honor her.
She is capable of taking the form of a maiden, of a mother and of a divine lady, or whatever form the situation may require. Her main followers were the Tuatha of Danann, which in fact means "The Land of the Goddess Dana". From the tuatha come all the mythological beings that fill us with intrigue and illusion: elves, fairies, and magicians.

Dana spread a lot of light, so her enemies, the Formorians representing evil, darkness and misfortune, wanted to destroy her. These beings meant the opposite of Dana, they were uneducated and hated the arts and knowledge. However, Celtic culture understands that it is necessary both good and evil; that is why they knew how to fight each battle against it until the light was allowed to triumph. Dana was the light, and she still is through citrine stone, this is the belief of those who worship her. The goddess of the sun would never leave and is there to bring us prosperity and enlightenment.

Magical properties of citrine

In environments where groups of people usually coexist there are different opinions that generate discussions, the citrine is ideal for dealing with this type of problems, so it is highly recommended in family environments.

In psychological terms it is an excellent crystal to regenerate the mind and to allow you to maintain concentration.

Citrine crystal ring

Healing properties of citrine

The citrine stone helps to stimulate the digestive system and therefore relieve constipation.In this process, the spleen and pancreas are benefited. This energetic crystal is also recommended for people suffering from degenerative diseases, urinary tract infections, circulation and thyroid problems.

At the beginning we told the story of the Goddess of the flames and the importance of this stone for women, but it turns out that the story does not end there.This stone is an elixir for women, because it helps them to control the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause,such as fatigue. Thereason? the stone has an enormous influence on the improvement of hormonal imbalances.

The experts of the new age have left us a series of rituals that are believed to attract very positive effects.

This stone is also used to increase imagination:

In order to attract creativity, you should place the citrine in your mouth on the left cheek (always with great caution), then light charcoal and sprinkle bay leaf on top. You will have to concentrate and aspirate what is produced by burning laurel (be careful not to suffocate). While doing this, you can feel how from the inside the citrine fills you with creative energy; and the smoke of laurel, from the outside, invades you with a very similar feeling.

How to use citrine?

In order to obtain all the properties of citrine it is very important to place it in certain positions. To attract the ray of spiritual light from the stone you must put it between your fingers and throat, so that there is a contact with the skin. It is also highly recommended to use spheres made with citrine to meditate with them. Meditating with the citrine for 9 consecutive days will allow you to accommodate your financial problems, the best regency time for the citrine is 3:00 am. To bring prosperity to the places that need it like your home, office or business it is advisable to place it in a corner.

The citrine is very requested to make jewelry, particularly combined with pink and yellow gold, giving joy and elegance to any bracelet, earring or necklace.

It can be obtained in various sizes and with oval and rectangular shapes. It is widely used as a central stone for rings, earrings and bracelets.The slightly lower quality citrine combined with white quartz is used for beads of necklaces or bracelets.

How to take care of citrine?

One of the main needs of citrine is to maintain its brightness and this is not impossible with the following tips :

The citrine must be protected from hits and falls, because it is a hard stone but it is not impossible to break it.To clean it, just a little neutral soap and soft bristle brush, then wash with water and dry with a soft cloth.

How to detect fake citrine?

Why deceive people with citrine that is not authentic? well, it turns out that this stone has high demand from those who are in search of prosperity and peace in their lives and rely on the energy of the stones to receive this help. For this simple reason the stone houses are in charge of recreating the citrine that is not easy to obtain.

Citrine stones that are not authentic are also very nice, if you want only for decorative purposes, probably one of these will serve you. On the other hand, if the person is looking to obtain the physical and spiritual benefits of crystal, then it is very necessary to know how to discover the false citrine. Here we leave a series of recommendations:

The authentic citrine stone, before becoming a beautiful citrine was an amethyst stone. However, nature influenced it with a little time and volcanic heat, so it naturally changes its color.

The natural color of citrine is very similar to the color of white wine. When the citrine presents a somewhat orange color is due to the great pressure and closeness to the volcano, as occurs with the citrine pieces from Mexico, which, despite being completely natural, are a yellowish-orange color.

Authentic citrine is soft yellow or perhaps a little golden. While the treated citrine is a very strong orange. In addition, the natural citrine has a more homogeneous color, while the treated amethyst has an orange that intensifies towards the tips.

It is often very strange that a citrine stone has a geode/druse shape like amethyst, so the evaluation of this characteristic is also very good for discovering a false citrine.

It would be advisable to choose natural stones made by Mother Nature at her own pace, however, experts suggest to those who want this stone, acquire a natural citrine and a treated citrine. This is the simplest way to know each version and learn to recognize the differences. It also allows its carrier to test the energy capabilities of each stone.

Now that you know its history and are ready to value and understand this stone, we invite you to discover all beautiful pieces where this stone shines and carries all its energies. Yours is waiting for you.

Citrine crystal bravelet

Originally Post "Citrino: lo que no te contaron de la piedra real″

Translated by Oscar Moreno

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