Citizens Confront Newtown Board of Education About Sandy Hook Hoax

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Newtown Board of Education

On May 6, 2014, former state trooper Wolfgang Halbig (see “Sandy Hook massacre was a “contrived event,” says former state trooper Wolfgang Halbig”) and retired professor Jim Fetzer (who has written extensively about Sandy Hook for Veterans Today) were in town to confront the Newtown Board of Education about the alleged massacre of 20 students and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, 2012.

Halbig had traveled far, all the way from Laketown, Florida. There were others who also had traveled long distances to attend the board meeting.

This is what they said:

1. Wolfgang Halbig emphasized that he is a national school safety consultant and one of the first to donate money for the Sandy Hook tragedy, and that he had contacted the superintendent and other officials with questions, but received not even one response back, nor was even one document released despite Freedom of Information Act requests.

Halbig: “To this day, you have refused to answer phone calls, and you have refused to answer my FOI (Freedom of Information) requests. And you’re in public education…and you use the word ‘honesty’ in your presentation. Where’s the honesty in this room? No matter how tragic that event might have been, people in America deserve the truth…. The questions I ask are not offensive to any parent who lost a child that day. They’re not offensive to Connecticut state police. They’re not offensive to ANY ONE! They’re such simple questions! Why no trauma helicopters? Why would you not let paramedics or EMTs? These are your children and you won’t let paramedics and EMTs into the building? You got 27 children declared dead within 8 minutes? [Halbig meant 20 children and 6 adults] Who does this? … Ladies and gentlemen. You are the board members, you are the leaders of this community, you are the superintendent. Respond! You have a great secretary. But I sense that she’s afraid — she’s afraid to call me back. That should not be happening in any school district. We are not here to disrupt this meeting. We want the truth.”

Halbig then points out that the Newtown Board of Education say they’re teaching children about character, responsibility, and honesty, but by their actions, they’re “modeling” their lack of character, responsibility and honesty.

2. (Beg. at 3:55 mark) Jim Fetzer said that during his research into Sandy Hook, he discovered that the school had 626 students. Subtracting the 20 who were killed that day, that leaves 606 students in the school. “Where were they on the day of this event?” Assuming a school bus seats 50 students, that means there should have been at least 12 buses. “But we don’t have footage or report of these large number of buses evacuating the students.”

Fetzer then lists some other reasons why “some people are skeptical of this event”:

  • The final report from the state police does not include the names and ages and sex of any of the victims.
  • The Newtown clerk entered into secret arrangements with the state legislature to avoid releasing any death certificates.
  • The state attorney general fought against the release of 911 calls.
  • Those involved in dismantling the school [after the massacre because of asbestos infestation] were subjected to lifetime gag order.

Fetzer: “All of this suggests that there is something there to hide.” Fetzer asks why and how those 626 students could be allowed to inhabit a school, a “toxic dump” known to be loaded with asbestos and other biohazards — so infested that it was completely torn down after the shooting.

(See “Was Sandy Hook Elementary School already abandoned before the massacre?”and “Workers tearing down Sandy Hook school sworn to confidentiality”)

3. A Gulf War veteran (dressed in a Paul Revere costume) from New York spoke on how within days after the Sandy Hook shooting, Connecticut passed one of the most restrictive gun control laws. He said he’s not saying the shooting didn’t take place, but he wants proof.

4. A man from Infowars did not dispute that Adam Lanza had perpetrated the shooting. Instead he emphasized how law-abiding gun owners in Connecticut and elsewhere are being “penalized” because of Sandy Hook, and the importance of the Second Amendment to freedom and the American way of life.

5. (Beg. at the 10:54 mark) A bespectacled man, with white hair and beard, “Dave Williams from Carson City, Nevada,” spoke about Second Amendment rights and the questions that Wolfgang Halbig had raised. He said, “If there’s nothing to hide, the best thing to do is disclose information and there’s no suspicion that something is being hidden. I don’t understand why he’s [Halbig] gone 11 months with legitimate requests and has received nothing.” Then he reminds the board that in our “information age” of websites like American Free Press, Infowars, and Veterans Today, the board members can disclose information to these sites with confidentiality.

6. (Beg. at 12:25 mark) A man from Rhode Island who said he’s noticed “8 dozen, if not more, inconsistencies” about Sandy Hook. As an example, he questioned why there was no triage — carts on the ground, ambulances — at SH school, which normally would be undertaken at mass trauma events. But the school was blocked: no one could get in or out. Then the man put the board members on notice: “We’re here for a reason. And this is not going away. Like Benghazi won’t going away for Obama, this is not gonna go away, until you guys investigate this for yourself, find out the truth, and we all find it out together.”

7. (Beg. at 15:12 mark) Another man, with a grey beard and baseball cap, from New York, made the point that making public alleged perpetrator Adam Lanza’s visage “at the scene” of the Sandy Hook shooting does not affect the reputations of Connecticut state politicians or police. He said, “Simply show the perpetrator at the scene” and Lanza’s autopsy “to prove that he really existed, besides a hat and a shirt.” “Why leave all these questions in the air when you have something that’s clearly been photographed, clearly available, and should be made available to the public” and put to rest “a lot of the controversy.”

8.(Beg. at 16:16 mark) A dark-haired man, in a brown-and-tan striped sports shirt, from New Jersey, said that he’d contacted several people about Sandy Hook — people who are good friends of his, in law enforcement (police departments and federal government) “who have experience analyzing evidence.” Dark-haired man said that although he can’t share with the board what these people told him because they “would most likely lose their jobs,” what he can say is that according to what these people have shown him, “things do not add up.” “There are too many inconsistencies,” including images that have been altered, forensics, and police reports that don’t add up.

He said: “It’s getting to a point where more and more people in this country are realizing that there’s something wrong. I understand that there’s a lot of people who genuinely believe that more gun control is the answer. And when you genuinely believe in something, you reach a point where you’ll do anything to get to that objective. The end justifies the means. However, doing anything dishonest never ever justifies the means. And I will tell you that, if you receive orders that would be considered unlawful, YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.

The last two speakers were:

9. A woman, Michelle Murphy from Houston, Texas, who ranted on and on about how all mentally ill peole, especially bipolars (which she is), should not be judged by what “one deranged person,” Adam Lanza, had done.

10. A dark-haired man with a goatee who identified himself as “Jim Fitzpatrick, a Newtown resident,” said he was offended by the “circus” of conspiracy kooks (referring to Halbig, Fetzer, et al) attending the board meeting.

Note how polite Halbig, Fetzer, et al. were, only to be met with SILENCE and non-response from the board.

So Halbig, Fetzer, and the guy from Nevada, had traveled thousands of miles to attend this meeting, for nothing.

Halbig is right:

All the officials — school, town, state — will just continue to stonewall. The only way we can make them talk is if they’re sued in court.

H/t FOTM’s Gingercake

For all the posts FOTM has published on the Sandy Hook hoax, go to our “Sandy Hook Massacre” page.
