Citizen Speaks out on Sandy Hook Hoax at Connecticut State Committee Hearing

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

The State of Connecticut’s Public Safety and Security Committee (PSSC) is a joint standing committee of the Connecticut General Assembly and contains members of the Senate and the House. In the Connecticut Legislature, there are no separate chamber committees.

PSSC is charged with matters relating to homeland security, the Department of Public Safety, including state police, state organized task force on crime, municipal police training, fire marshals, the fire safety code and the state building code, civil preparedness and legalized gambling, and military and veterans’ affairs, except veterans’ pensions.

The Public Safety and Security Committee of 2015 has 15 Democratic members and 10 Republican members. The Chair of the committee is Sen. Timothy Larson, Democrat, who is also the General Assembly’s Majority Whip. For the names of the other 24 committee members, go here.

Connecticut Public Safety & Security Committee

On March 3, 2015, at a public hearing of the Public Safety and Security Committee on SB 1011: An Act Concerning the Training of Security Personnel, a private citizen named Maureen Crowley boldly spoke out on the Sandy Hook fraud.

Maureen Crowley

Maureen Crowley

Below is the transcript I took of Crowley’s testimony:

Thank you, all, for allowing me to be here today.

My name is Maureen Crowley. I was born in New Britain, the city in which my great grandfather James Christopher Crowley founded the Crowley Brothers Paint Company in 1885. We then moved to Plainville when I was toddler, moved back to Briton when I was in the 6th grade. I attended St. Francis of Assisi Junior High where Sister Miriam Patrise taught me “When you’re not sure of the right thing to do, the right thing is usually the hard thing to do.”

It’s hard for me to speak here today, to speak — an aging baby boomer — would have been easier to sit home. But the truth never comes easily. It comes with dues for those who choose to speak it. The truth is often not palatable or pristine, but it is simple. Simple, but far from easy.

Security matters indeed, of course it does. Safety. Based on the events in Newtown, Connecticut, December 14, 2012 — not December 13, 2012, the day which was confirmed by [search engine] Bing itself, that the interview with principal Dawn Hochsprung was cached. Not December 13, the day that the September 2013 FBI Report says that the “shooting” occurred. This was before the other report, Uniform Crime Reporting of the FBI, infamously declared no murders in Newtown in 2012. Not December 13, the day that the Social Security Death Index proclaimed was the day that Mr. Fictional himself, “Adam Lanza,” left this world. There’s even a report from the Committee on the Psychiatric Dimensions of Disaster that not only has the date of this event wrong, they have the day of the week wrong. It was NOT on, December 12 was not a Tuesday. December 11 was a Tuesday. In fact, December 11 was the day when United Way started soliciting funds.

The list of pre-knowledge — confirmed, issued, and divulged — is long. How could this be if it were a real shooting, done by a 112-pound young man, standing a full 6 feet tall, wearing a size 8½ shoe, after he neatly made his bed and washed the New Hampshire trip dirt off his mom’s car, and shot 26 people?

No. [Crowley shakes her head]

I was, as some of you here are now, I believed every word out of [CNN anchor] Anderson Cooper’s mouth that day. But once the persecution of Wolfgang Halbig began, I wanted to ask why the Newtown Police would send law enforcement into his home in Florida if they did not have something to hide.

This is serious! This is a non-event that has turned the culture of the state of Connecticut and the culture of the United States of America upside down. Mental health vulturism. Drills in which 3rd-graders are forced to look down the barrel of a gun. And even state monitoring of Connecticut homeschooling, and even a president that wants to war on bullets.

I reject the official narrative of Sandy Hook. I reject the lies. I’m suspicious of the upwards of $500 million raised through a plethora of donation websites with zero ISUC scrutiny, zero money-laundering scrutiny, zero United Way …

At this point, Timothy Larson, the chairman of the Public Safety and Security Committee, interrupts Crowley and orders her to “wrap it up.”

Newtown Safety & Security Committee chair Timothy Larson

Maureen Crowley continues:

We the people are not as stupid as the people in this room think we are.

I invite you to at least watch the video, “We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook.” Again, the name of the video is “We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook.” You’ll find it well thought-out, fact based, zero speculation, and interesting.

I hope you’ll remember my words today, unlike the ten members of the Connecticut State Police who could not remember how they entered the non-commissioned, non-operating Sandy Hook Elementary School that day! You think broken glass would be memorable, at a school that boasted 34 classrooms when it was K through 5, but no mass evacuation captured on a single police dash cam.

Connecticut — the state which I volunteer to teach piano in the prison systems. The state that I graduated from with a Bachelor’s degree from Central Connecticut State University. Connecticut — the state that was nothing but good to me. And I seek to return the favor by speaking the truth. If they don’t like hearing the nickname “Corrupticut,” then neither should any of you.

Sredzinski: “Thank you for your testimony. Any further questions? Thank you very much.”

Watch Maureen Crowley’s testimony for yourself before YouTube scrubs this video:

Thank you, Maureen Crowley.

Thank you for speaking out.

And may God bless and keep you safe from all harm, brave lady. 

Here’s contact Info for Public Safety and Security Committee Chair Sen. Timothy Larson:

Legislative Office Building
Room 3600
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
To send an email:

H/t Barry Soetoro, Esq. and FOTM reader Matt Lombardo

For all the posts FOTM has published on the Sandy Hook hoax, including every facet alluded to by Maureen Crowley — Adam Lanza’s curious 12/13/2012 date-of-death, pre-dated donation websites, Wolfgang Halbig, the long-abandoned Sandy Hook school, no dash cam video of students being evacuated — go here.
