Cineworld Secret Screenings 1-10

Posted on the 07 July 2019 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Back in 2013 Cineworld started doing Secret Screenings for Unlimited members and by 2018 we had reached the 10th Secret Screening. In the past week we have had announcements for two taking place in July 2019! So I thought this was the best time to have a look back at the first ten films we got as special previews.

Cineworld have slightly changed the way they used to do them as for the early ones we got clues over the week building up to the screening date, but they stopped doing that and changed the running time and standard age of 15. This meant that we had a child free preview of Incredibles 2 and that was quite frankly outstanding!

Something they usually do in a very clever way is having the screenings not long before a huge release and people get taken in that it is going to be that film (yes, thinking about to Star Wars and it was actually In the Heart of the Sea). Not forgetting that we have also had a preview of a film that went on to become the Best Picture Oscar winner, Green Book. So we have certainly had many different genres in the Secret Screenings.

One of the best things about attending a Secret Screening which is often quite a big preview of the film is that you might not know very much about it and may not have even seen a trailer yet. I remember feeling that way when Molly's Game started and having no clue what it was about at all.

After the screenings as well I always feel extra special when the trailer is on for the film due out for release in the next couple of weeks and you have already seen it! I hope I am not alone in that but it certainly gives me an extra geeky feeling that I totally love thanks to Cineworld!

I used IMDb for the genre's and that is why some films have three different ones listed next to them. I feel as though the best thing about looking at the ten films on the list with the genre's they cover as it is so varied!

Do you enjoy attending Secret Screenings?

Does it annoy you when people get up and leave?