Cinematography : Know Basic Camera Shots for Epic StoryTelling

Posted on the 23 January 2017 by Ignitedpk

There are different types of Camera shots in films, which is used to interact with the audience. To show the depth of the emotions of the character, situation or the story.
We can change the feel of the story entirely by changing the camera shots. So as film loving person we must learn the usage of different camera shots.

Basic Camera Shots

Long Shot/Wide Shot

It covers the character from head to leg, mostly used to show character’s identity, body language, action etc.

Very Wide Shot

In this shot our character will be visible, but will give more importance to the surroundings/ place. It’s also called as establishing shot, since it gives a clear idea of the plot to the audience.

Extreme Wide Shot

It’s also using as establishing shot, mostly in outdoor to show the very far area.

Medium Shot/Mid Shot

Medium Shot Consists of a character from the knees to head which is usually used for dialog scenes. In thi shot the importance of the background is probably low since the location has been established already.

Medium Close Up

This shot show the face of the character very clearly, from mid chest to the top of the head

Close Up

A Particular feature or action of a character or something, takes up the whole frame. Which magnifies the object and shows the importance of the things. This shot help us to convey emotions very deeply to the audience.

Extreme Close Up

A Tight Frame of a particular feature of the character or some actions, to show the depth of emotions. (eg: tight shot of the character eyes to show the fear or anger )

Cut In

Mostly it is medium close up of some other part of the character, to express the emotions by showing their actions .

Cut Away

It is a shot which shows a shot away from the main scene, which is to adjust the pace of the main action, to conceal the deletion of some unwanted part of the main shot, or to allow the joining of parts of two versions of that shot.

Two Shot

It is a Medium shot which consists of two characters.

Over the Shoulder Shot

Over the Shoulder Shot / OTS is a shot of someone or something taken from the camera angle from the shoulder of another person.

Point of View Shot

Its a view from any character’s perspective.

(Picture Examples are from the Movie “Drive “ is a 2011 American neo-noir crime film directed by Nicolas Winding Refn. Cinematography by Newton Thomas Sigel. )

Here are the different camera shots used to tell story in filmmaking, Stay tuned to the upcoming posts which is about the camera angles and Camera Movements. Do Comment your questions and feedbacks about this post.