Cilantro Egg Mayo Sandwich

By Easyfoodsmith
Schools are about to re-open in Mumbai after the long summer break. It is an exciting time for academic session is about to begin and that means new uniform, a new school bag, a new geometry box/pencil box and a new class teacher as well. Students start speculating among themselves about who their new class teacher would be or could be and what the repercussions of having an A B or C teacher would mean for them throughout that academic year!At my home, it is time for my daughter and me to sit and chalk out her weekly lunch box meal plan. It so happened that a few times she wanted a particular dish for her lunch pack but due to some pre-prep involved in it, I had to rule out that option which made her very upset. Those episodes lead to the weekly lunch box meal planner coming into being. Now we decide in advance and believe me, it really comes handy. A few things she mentioned this time were vegetable cutlet, sandwiches, pasta salad, stuffed Indian bread and cookies. It is becoming evident to me that as she is growing, she is getting choosy and picky about what she wants to carry in her lunch pack; a part of growing up I guess.

Eggs are much-loved in our house. We can have them in any form and at any time of the day. Eggs surely are versatile and when I run out of veggies, it is Egg Curry for dinner! My daughter wanted to have sandwiches the way they are served at bakeries and pastry shops here. What she was implying was the veg mayo sandwiches. I made the egg ones at home and she was ecstatic! ‘Mum these are better than what they sell at the shop!’ Now, which Mum wouldn’t like a compliment such as that? JThese sandwiches are easy to dish out and they are ideal for the kiddie lunch pack, breakfast and even make for a healthy snack. And why just kids! Grab them for brunch or pack them for your picnic basket. Enjoy them for lunch along with a salad and a glass of juice. I usually remove the yolk since my husband avoids eating it for health reasons.So, the amount of mayo will vary. Here is the list of ingredients,

7 medium sized eggs (boiled)
1½ tbsp mayonnaise
1 tbsp thousand island sauce (optional...u may replace it with mayo)
Salt & Black pepper or White Pepper to taste
2 tbsp very finely chopped cilantro (fresh coriander)
10 slices of white/brown sandwich sized bread
1 tbsp butter

Peel the eggs and mash them with the back of a fork. 

Mix in the the salt, pepper, mayo and thousand island sauce. 
Use a round cutter and cut the bread in roundels. 
Spoon over the filling on one slice and cover it with the other. 
Butter the round edges of this sandwich with butter and roll the buttered edges in cilantro to coat all around. 
Repeat the process for all the slices to make 5 sandwiches. 

Thanks for visiting and see you again!