The Criminal Investigations Division (CID) of the Kandy Police Headquarters has commenced an investigation into an incident where a group of persons had broken into the Molecular Virology Laboratory of the Kandy National Hospital equipped with expensive chemicals and valuable equipment used for medical testing.
The incident happened yesterday morning.
A drug rehabilitation clinic has been operating at the site for some time, and a laboratory worker said that some drug addicts often come to the location requesting certain medications given to them while under treatment.
Suspicion has now been raised as to whether drug addicts broke down the doors in search for drugs.
Police investigations have revealed that no security personnel were present at the scene at the time of the incident. Acting Director of the Kandy National Hospital Iresha Fernando said that the person deployed for security at the location had not reported for duty yesterday and that an investigation was underway.
She said that documents in the laboratory had been tampered with and it was not yet clear whether any drugs or equipment had been stolen. Police have obtained statements from several hospital employees regarding the incident from the hospital security unit.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 – 01:07