St Catherine's Church, Eskdale
I myself am not a 'church goer' as I believe that a church building is not necessary in order to lead a respectful and helpful life and make a contribution to the worldwide community. Perhaps I am wrong there and maybe if we as "Christians" made the effort to appear as practicing our beliefs then the world might just be a better place. I don't know I cannot answer that question.Yet, upon entering an old church, cathedral or abbey I feel uplifted and in awe of the surroundings I am in. I enter quietly, reverently, respectfully ...often sitting and meditating for a while. It seems like a good place to be.The building contains the essence of past worshippers. The stones, the pews, the stained glass windows, the font, the aisle - - every part reverberates --hymns and psalms live on. Go quietly and you will hear voices from the past.
My piece today is based on a visit to Durham cathedral in 2014.
Durham Cathedral
Heavenward reaching columns, Searching for an unseen God. Built on a foundation of faith By men with ardent beliefs. Into perpetuity this edifice reaches, With arches that seem to support Heaven itself.
These faithful tradesmen in stone Would never have known the impact Of their labours. Other meeker structures may tumble in time But this glory in stone will withstand Time itself.
Living on. seeking a higher being- A further meaning to it's longevity and strength. Admired, awed, by men of all creeds and beliefs. For there is no one religion in this building- But an admiration by mankind Of the labour, the skill, the artistry Of men long departed.
Thanks for reading, Kath
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