Chuck 5x10: Chuck Vs. Bo

Posted on the 15 January 2012 by Tvgeek @TVGeek_blog

Original Air Date: 13 January 2012

StorylineMorgan's time with the Intersect compels Chuck and Sarah to take on a mission in Vail and enlist the help of a famous actress. Jeff and Lester continue their own spy mission to discover what's really going on under the Buy More.

Best Quote:

Morgan: Plus, wouldn't it be lovely not to get shot at? 
Chuck: Exactly! Aren’t you sick of being shot at?
Sarah: Or getting shot. I mean, you get shot a lot.
Casey: Not considering how much I get shot at. 

Review: The Chuck soap opera is slowly but definitively coming to an end and, honestly, I couldn't be more happy. First, because I'm a little bit tired of the chucksters and all this drama surrounding the show. It's been fun for a while and I can appreciate being a fan of something and doing everything in your power to save it from disappearance, but this has to stop at some point. Also, this season has been a major disappointment for me. I hate all this talk about quitting spying and the baby talk from someone who is clearly not meant to be a mother (and no, you can't say that all happened in Alias as well, because it didn't!); I also hate moving the Intersect from one to another like it's a frying pan everyone borrows at some point. There's only one meant to have it and that's Chuck; not Morgan and not Sarah - two of the most annoying characters of this series anyways.

So yeah, you can say I wasn't too happy with the outcome of this last episode, one that saw Carmichael Industries take on a new mission which, incidentally, turned out to be to fix the stupid stuff Morgan did while he had the Intersect. Go figure!
I've said it before and I will repeat it now: I hate the fact that Carmichael Industries has not really functioned and that they didn't really have proper clients to work with. And now they just want to change it to countering cyberterrorism; not a bad idea, except for the fact that they will be like any corporate bloke working from an office and there will be no guns involved. Safer for the Bartowski babies, you see... Meh... at least we won't get to see it.
So, going back to their last mission and cleaning up after Morgan, this day had to come at one point. The only fun part about it was having Bo Derek as a spy trying to get the Intersect for her boss, an ex-CIA agent with an inferiority complex and who was whining all the time about him having to be the one to have the Intersect in the first place. As villains go, Quinn was the most pathetic of them all. If you dreamed about Chuck & co having to face one last big bad for the end of this show, join the disappointed people group. 
Equally, if you're among those who, like me, wished Chuck to end up with the Intersect eventually, well... you're in for a bad one. It was obvious Sarah was going to use those glasses from the moment she got surrounded by the big guys with the big guns. So now she's going to lose her mind just like Morgan did, go work for Verbanski and lose any interest in having babies. At least we'll be spared of baby talk for a while, hopefully. And, of course, I have to do this: Sarah, you idiot, never say "one last mission"!
Some other stuff: the Jeffster arc was the only funny thing this week's episode had to offer. It was hilarious seeing them end up in the same crashed car and having the same dialogue over and over again. The first time, I thought my video player had broken. On the other hand, the rainbow stuff was way over the top and didn't have any purpose other than annoying me to death and throw some drama in the relationship between Morgan and Alex as well, like there wasn't enough of it already. Casey hates Twitter (OK, that was a little bit funny) and Chuck had a schoolboy crush on Bo Derek (that was probably supposed to be funny, but then again, which teen didn't?).
Enough said, this season didn't cut it for me. The good this is that this show will be over in just two weeks.
Chuck 5x09: Chuck vs. the Kept Man Back to Season 5