Chuck 5x09: Chuck Vs. the Kept Man

Posted on the 07 January 2012 by Tvgeek @TVGeek_blog

Original Air Date: 6 January 2012

StorylineChuck and Sarah contemplate the next step for Carmichael Industries. Gertrude Verbanski walks back into Casey's life with a questionable mission in South Beach. Meanwhile, Jeff's enhanced intelligence leads him and Lester to suspect that something unsual is happening at the Buy More.Best Quote:

Sarah: Do you how many skimpy outfits I have had to put on for this team? Did you hear me complain when I had to put on a cat suit or seven-inch platform high heels or a belly dancing outfit? 
Casey: Belly dancing?
Sarah: Okay, that was private. Look, just put on the banana hammock and stop whining.

Review: See, I don't get Sarah. In the last episode she was sleeping in a sweater - a sweater, for God's sake! - that she kept wearing the whole day afterwards, and this week she woke up wearing a bra. Who sleeps in a bra? I find it uncomfortable even wearing one during the day. Oh well, I'm also talking about a spy who runs in 10 cm thin heels, so I'm probably not meant to understand her. Plus, women who think they're pregnant just go on a sort of lunacy.

Yes, my dears, Sarah thought for the most part of this episode that she was pregnant. Of course, it was just a scare, but enough for her to reconsider where she wants her life to go. And having a baby is "not the worst idea in the world." So there we have it. Four episodes left, no real villain unless Shaw makes another escape and enough drama to take us out of the action mood and right into whatever is the top drama these days. Does Desperate Housewives still exist?
I'm still pissed at the lack of actual clients for Carmichael Industries. This week's client was Gertrude herself, and even that was not fully explained. It just seemed to me like she was just trying to make sure her man would get a paycheck at the end of the month - thus the kept man. Well, that and the cashmere sweater. Really, Gertie? Casey in cashmere?
They're arc was definitely meant to be sweet and all and you know the show it's getting to its inevitable conclusion when Casey is thinking about settling down, but I didn't really care about his relationship with Verbanski all that much and I definitely didn't care about his feelings of being a lap dog. Shouldn't he know by now that all men eventually become just that? All it takes is finding themselves a girlfriend.
The episode was not entirely devoid of action, despite all the stuff going on on the side. I don't really quite believe in guns that know whom to shoot and whom not to, but the idea was interesting. Plus, having Chuck in the middle of the fight while Sarah was the getaway driver reminded me of the Intersect days, back when this show was cool. It's been too long since the coolness factor got lost somewhere in the writers' room, never to be seen again.
There were a lot of funny moments, though, definitely more than last week, when the focus was more on the emotional side. Sarah got some hilarious lines - surprisingly, since she was maybe the least funny of them all. And having Jeff and Lester follow Devon around, Lester being dressed up as a woman whose butt Jeff gave a hard squeeze made my week. And didn't he look just like Victoria Beckham? But the best scene of them all was Casey - the heartless man who cannot distinguish female emotions - being the one to tell Chuck about Sarah's suspicions. 
There's never been more clear that the show is ending. The good thing, when you know for sure when a series will meed its conclusion, is that you can wrap up the stories. The bad thing is that it all feels like a Mexican telenovela, where everything is happening in the last couple of episodes. And the decisive sign telling us that come January 27, Chuck will never see new episodes again was having Jeff and Lester figure it all out. It pays not to sleep in one's van, doesn't it?Chuck 5x08: Chuck vs. the Baby Back to Season 5