Chronic Lyme: It’s the Viruses

By Acandee @andreacandee

When Lyme Disease Becomes Chronic Illness

Considering viral co-infections


In many cases of chronic Lyme disease, symptoms either do not respond to intensive antibiotic therapy or persist even though intensive testing shows no sign of the Lyme bacteria in the blood or spinal fluid.

Researchers have accounted for the symptoms by assuming that Lyme has led to autoimmune dysfunction. What they haven’t considered is that the tick may have passed more than just bacteria into its human host. I have found that the majority of my clients with long-term Lyme symptoms also have viral co-infections.

When someone does not fully and quickly recover from Lyme disease with a round or two of antibiotics, it may be because viruses are also involved. Viruses do not respond to antibiotics. They do, however, respond to natural remedies designed to target the specific viruses. These remedies can be given along with antibiotics without any mutual interference.

Before the Bite

The universal thinking is that ticks carrying Lyme disease picked up spirochete (bacteria) from a deer, and so people with Lyme symptoms are treated with antibiotics for the spirochete.

If you’ve been on antibiotics for a long time and you still have Lyme symptoms, it’s time to think about what else that tick may have fed on. Many animals, including dogs, mice, squirrels and raccoons, carry neuroviruses that can enter the central nervous system, causing brain fog, memory loss, nerve discomfort, headaches, joint and muscle pain, dizziness, anxiety, and other symptoms.

So if you have chronic Lyme symptoms even though you’ve been treated with antibiotics, the logical question to ask is, Did the tick pass a virus into you? If so, the virus can be intricately bound with the spirochete, preventing the antibiotic from totally eradicating the spirochete from your body.

A New Approach to Lyme

While viruses don’t respond to antibiotics, they do respond to the modality of quantum physics—and that’s the science behind vibrational medicine, which is being used to target and eradicate viral co-infections as well as bacteria in people with Lyme disease.

Every living organism has its own signature vibration. When the vibration of a pathogen (a virus, for example) is identified, a natural remedy can be made to dismantle the virus—like an opera singer who shatters a champagne glass because both the note and the glass vibrate at the identical frequency. In much the same way, the electrical charge in a vibrational remedy gradually breaks apart the targeted virus without harming the body that surrounds it.

Vibrational remedies are gentle and safe and do not interfere with conventional medical treatment. They are delivered orally, in drops of water that have been charged and stored in water structured to sustain them for long periods of time.

Not yet recognized as scientific method, the vibrational approach is still considered experimental, yet the results speak for themselves. People who’ve suffered for years from the effects of Lyme disease often see reversal of their symptoms.

If you want to learn more, I will be presenting “Summer Woes: Bugs, Ticks & Lyme Disease” at Wainwright House in Rye, NY, on June 9 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. To register, call 914.967.6080.