Christmas Wishes & Headline News

Posted on the 17 December 2015 by Rtswaste @Rtswaste

Christmas is a week away, hope that you are organised for the Big Feasts, making our children and families happy with gifts and hopefully a few days rest.  RTS will be operating a regular service with the exception of Christmas Day and New Years Day please check out our working schedule in more detail Christmas Opening and Closing times HERE. 
Christmas Wishes & Headline News

RTS  Waste the War On Waste

Most of you probably saw or at least heard about the Hugh Fearnley Wittingstall programme about the “War On Waste” the awareness of how wasteful we are as consumers has had a big impact. The fact that food waste is going to be banned from landfill in the near future and supermarkets need to take more producer responsibility for giving left over food to charitable causes if it is still consumable. RTS Waste currently serve clients who want zero waste to landfill and are keeping that commitment to divert waste from landfill. Many of you probably want to know how RTS process the waste, so we are proud to launch our own YouTube video . This is not so much War On Waste but the Real World Of Waste.

Take a look you will find it interesting- see how we collect and process your waste.
RTS Video photos


 If every single one of us can do just a little bit better at separating our waste, this applies at home as well at our work places. You can SAVE MONEY, and SAVE our Environment too “TODAY’S WASTE TOMORROW’S FUTURE”.    Where possible the waste is separated and reused and recycled or as a resource for renewable energy. Like most industries we have clear direction to work towards.

Zero landfill IS achievable!

Customer Campaign For Better Dry Mixed Recycling

Leading on from the the above article RTS have introduced a customer education campaign.
To help you, we have created a Dry Mixed Recycling guide. There should be labels being put on your bins which simply highlights what waste streams are acceptable and those which we classify as contaminated.

If you place the right waste in the right bin your service will be transparent and enable us to do our job of recycling the waste correctly. The Label also points out the wastes that can not go in  your Dry Mixed Recycling bins. Take a look here.

We want to emphasise the NEED for our customers to separate their waste.

RTS offer General Waste, Dry Mixed Recycle and Glass collections. It will be CHEAPER for you and better for the environment if you separate your dry recycle materials.  For Orders, Quotations or Queries call 0207 232 1711

For more information visit our website:  RTS Waste Services

Our Extended Family 

This edition of our headline NEWS we would like to introduce to the RTS Sales Manager and a Driver. Both members of  staff are quite special for their long term service to the company.

Craig Lloyd – Sales Manager                                                   

Craig has known the Redmond family forever and frequently where you see Craig you tend to find James Redmond too. Craig remembers working for RTS in school holidays and weekends from a very young age, before he formally joined the company in 2008 starting in the Transport Department originally.

 Today he looks after all customer needs as Sales Manager and because he knows the back end of the business in detail, it is not unusual for Craig to actually hop in a lorry himself to ensure that customer sites are serviced on time.

Craig is currently the whole sales department for RTS, although he admits his team is the entire business, as without everyone he would not be able to do his job. Meeting existing customers and signing up new accounts is the highlight of his work, but gets very frustrated with the London traffic slowing down our trucks, causing unnecessary hassle for everyone.

When asked what is the best job in the world?  Craig says “being a golfer, as you get to travel the world whilst doing what you love”. I am sure a lot of us would rather be on a golf course any day. But his second choice is the commitment to RTS Waste and of course his family.

 Mentioning family, Craig and his wife Lauren should be congratulated on the birth of  their handsome son Albert George Lee Lloyd born on 15th October 2015. Craig is a very proud father and spends most of his time outside of work watching his eldest (Florence, 8 years old) do her horse
show jumping tournaments.

Craig chose his favourite TV programme to be “Fast ‘N’ Loud” and this really confirms that his dream is to be Big, Strong & Rich. Being successful at whatever he does and that hard graft can turn into gleaming cash ! Full throttle attitude is definitely a Craig trait.

Dave Curtis – Driver

RTS Waste would not be able to function without its drivers. So in this newsletter we wanted to introduce you to our longest working driver for the company to date. Dave Curtis joined RTS in 2001, he is a smiley fella that “Loves his job” his words ! and this sums him up. Dave has lived and worked in London all his life. He says he is a “good driver” but I suppose his almost clean record of no crashes over a 14 year period speaks for itself. When growing up Dave wanted to be an Airline pilot so a Skip lorry driver is definitely the next best thing.

Outside of work Dave enjoys doing DIY , claiming he enjoys tinkering around with vehicles and also doing up his house.He has three children so doesn’t get to watch much TV because they hog it most of the time! His best friend is his dog Max “Max Curtis” is his true love. How about this for a great Christmas photo of Dave and Max. Max is 7 years old and a cross between a Shar pei and a Japanese Tosa.

And on that note it is just left to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and happy new year for 2016.